Slow Cooker: Crockpot Recipes And Meals That You Must Eat (Includes Rich Recipes) by Donna Stephenson

Crockpot Recipes And Meals That You Must Eat (Includes Rich Recipes)

Slow cooker: crockpot recipes and meals that you must eat (includes rich recipes)

These slow cooker dump dinners also include serving size and preparation time so you have a complete understand of how many each recipe serves and how long it will take to prepare. You will also learn about the common mistakes that occur when cooking slow cooker recipes and what you can do to avoid them.
So if you are wishing to go vegetarian and you don’t know where to start from, then this slow cooker cookbook is the right choice you can opt for. The recipes you will find in this cookbook will improve your health and help you look younger with the positive effects it has on the skin. All the recipes that are included in this cookbook are very-well planned and include a high level of calcium, iron, proteins and many other beneficial minerals and vitamins. And what is special about our recipes is that it is high in fibre, very low in saturated fats and rich in antioxidants and will help mitigate one of the most critical problems any of us can face, extra weight.

Here you’ll find recipes ranging from the classics to exotic soups that are just as good for the soul as they are for the palate. Whatever your experience in cooking, you’ll be able to dish out a variety of soups to delight everyone eating at your table. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 7099

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Sample text:

Slow cookers made their debut in the 1970s when Rival created the first crock-pot. The way it works is simple. The pot is covered with a lid, which produces steam. Once the steam reaches the lid, it turns into liquid and falls back into the pot, cooking the food inside. Rather than evaporating, the liquid keeps turning into steam then back into the pot. This translates into more flavor and a concentrated taste.


Slow cookers range in price from $20 to $150 or more, but they all come with certain basic features. A slow cooker consists of the base – heating element and a removable insert that is similar to a pot – and a lid, usually made from glass so you can see the food inside.


The most important question you need to ask yourself when you first buy a slow cooker is how many people you will be cooking for. For two people, a crock pot of 2 quarts is more than enough, but if you plan to cook for more people, a bigger pot is needed, especially if you plan a party or a buffet. Some people prefer two crock pots. One for cooking small amounts of food, like breakfast, or for keeping one or two portions of food warm, and another for cooking larger volumes of food, like soups, stews or chilies.


Most slow cookers work in the exact same way. They have two controls – high and low, although some modern crock pots have a feature that keeps the food warm for a few extra hours. This feature can be quite handy if the recipe asks for 6 hours of cooking, but you know you won’t be home in time to serve the dish warm. The cooker can keep the food warm until you get home so you can enjoy a bowl of warm food after a tiresome day.

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