Slow Cooker: Best Slow Cooker Recipes To Eat Nutritious Meals (Slow Cooker Cookbook) by Ricky Wayne

Best Slow Cooker Recipes To Eat Nutritious Meals (Slow Cooker Cookbook)

Slow cooker: best slow cooker recipes to eat nutritious meals (slow cooker cookbook)


This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to prepare and cook tasty recipes, from soups and stews to breakfast casseroles and roasts. You can find dishes that are perfect for game day or when the family stops by to visit. Slow cookers are easy to use and will relieve any stress you may have about preparing a full meal. Everything you need is right here in this book! These recipes will have your family and friends raving about your food.

The crockpot is simple, economical and versatile cooking device, crockpots offer numerous benefits, particularly to those who don’t have the luxury of time to prepare complicated homemade meals everyday. 
Who says you have to sacrifice taste and quality for convenience? Slow cooking not only tenderizes meat. It also allows for flavors from the stock and spices to seep into the meat and vegetables, making for mouthwatering dishes. Plus, cooking fresh ingredients at low temperature and for long hour’s results in more nutrient-rich dishes.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: COOKING / Methods / Slow Cooking

Language: English

Keywords: crockpot, slow cooker, multi cooker, instant pot, pressure cooker, electric pressure cooker, dieting, weight loss, fasting, diet, paleo diet

Word Count: 20085

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Sample text:

Operating a slow cooker is fairly easy, as it requires minimal attention after everything is set and turned on. It also doesn’t need more than its usual components—a round or oval stoneware or “crock” which serves as the cooking pot, a removable heatproof glass lid, and a heater-housing with a heating base and controls for temperature setting.

Because of this easy-to-use advantage of using a slow cooker in preparing meals, many home cooks, moms and even professional chefs opt to purchase their own unit. Not only this, crock pots prove to have many other advantages like the following:


It saves money. Slow cooker meals require cheaper cuts of meat. The simmering capabilities of a crock pot enable the connective tissue of this kind of meat to soften without making the lean muscle tougher than it already is. Because of this, preparing restaurant-quality dishes will cost less money, providing home cooks more budget for their other needs.


It saves time. Yes, slow cooking is slow, obviously, but it also does not need much attention while it cooks the food. Some units even have an in-built timer, which will lower the temperature at any set time, depending on the recipe, and will turn off the power once the time is up. Therefore, the user can move along with his or her day while the crock pot does its magic, giving anyone more time to accomplish other tasks than other ways of cooking.

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