Serving God by Oteng Montshiti

Serving God means using your talent to expand the kingdom of the Lord on earth.

Serving god

Serving God isn't by human strength but by His spirit. Which means you can't serve Him using carnality, because he is spiritual being. Serving the Lord in truth and spirit is very interesting because you won't focus on what He can give you. But you will serve Him out of unconditional love. In this book you are going to learn about what is needed to serve Him according to His will. Stay blessed.

Genre: RELIGION / Christian Life / General

Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Inspirational

Language: English

Keywords: Christianity, inspiration, selfhelp, christianbook

Word Count: 4300

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Sample text:

Serving God

Today, if proper care isn't taken, infighting within the church of God is going to reach unprecedented proportion. Because people are fighting to serve the Lord behind the pulpit. And those who serve there don't want other people to serve in the areas they are called for. The question is, what is serving? Another word for serving is ministry. This word has been misunderstood by many folks. Because there are people out there who think that serving means opening a church when it is mentioned. However, they are far from the truth. 

As a child of the Lord, you can serve God in your classroom by helping other children who have difficulty in learning. You can visit prisoners, sick people in their homes and hospitals. Then, share the word of God and pray with them. That’s serving the Lord. You just need to discover what you are good at, and use it for the advancement of the kingdom of God. 

If you are a political leader like a counselor, parliamentarian, etc. use your position to advocate for the wellbeing of the less privileged member of the society. Go to the parliament to bring hope and a solution to their daily predicament. And God will elevate you.  


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