Senda y el murmullo de las caracolas by H. de Mendoza

A girl with a rare disorder would have to confront a changing world within an Apocaliptic scenario with his friends, humans and animals.

Senda y el murmullo de las caracolas

Don’t talk to strangers, Senda thinks when she returns to Santa Cruz, or Weird City, the city of the rare, the one that saw her born; although she, with her illness, is the rarest of all. What Senda does not expect is to be surprised by an avalanche of events that will change his world, and that of everyone, from night to morning. In this particular apocalypse, you will have to face your most hidden fears.
It all started that night, on the most extravagant seafront in California, when a homeless gave her a conch shell ... then, everything rushed: The great tremor of earth, Senda on the waves, his animals of power, the natives Ohlone, the destruction of a civilization and the inexplicable alienation that takes over adults. A thrilling adventure that runs from the cliffs of the Pacific to the great sequoia forests of California.
What if the fate of humanity were in her hands? What would you do? What would you be willing to sacrifice to save those who never counted on you?

Accompany Senda on this trip and discover the mystery of the conch shells, the reason for the strange behavior of the adults, the incredible story of the Ohlone children, which goes back to the times of pirates and conquerors, who are the mysterious men who hide after the diving suits and, above all, attend the most cutting-edge scientific advance, one that neither Jules Verne nor Elon Musk could foresee.
The second novel by H. de Mendoza is a magical story of preadolescent friendship straddling the science fiction of Stranger Things, the fantasy and the adventure novel of the style of The Goonies, which will catch you from the front line. «Don’t look back, keep running».

Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / Survival Stories

Secondary Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General

Language: Spanish

Keywords: Rare disease, Apocalipsis, Science fiction, Juvenile

Word Count: 48500

Sales info:

Just now, number 1 and 2 at juvenile Action and Adventure, Science fiction books in Spanish.

Sample text:


Aquella voz retumbó en mi cabeza y me hizo acelerar mi carrera y dar saltos cada vez más largos. Quería sacarla de mi cabeza, pero no era fácil porque ella estaba allí, conmigo, en el saco que llevaba a la espalda, y de alguna manera su voz se había quedado atrapada en mis tímpanos, que como un eco repetían una y otra vez: «No mires atrás». Podía verlos a corta distancia tras de mí. Aquellas figuras espectrales me perseguían y, aunque no llegaban a alcanzarme, tampoco sé cuánto tiempo podría aguantar ese ritmo. La luz ya no penetraba en el bosque y las grandes sequoias no eran el mejor lugar para esconderse, aunque el espacio entre ellas sí me permitía saltar como jamás lo había hecho en toda mi vida. Sin embargo, cada vez eran más, en varias zancadas zigzagueantes que di en mi huida pude contar al menos diez. Debía esconderme, pero ¿dónde? Entonces sentí un fuerte golpe que me empujó hacia abajo varios metros hasta el suelo. Noté cómo me arrastraban tirándome de los pies. Después vi su cara. Presagié mi final en unas fracciones de segundo que parecieron eternas; el tiempo que aquel hombre tardara en dejar caer el peso de su maza sobre mí. Calmé mi respiración y otra vez escuché las voces, varias esta vez, diciendo palabras inconexas. Cerré los ojos y traté de olvidar que iba a morir.  

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by James Roper
Author review:
James has done an incredible work, he was involved in the book translation as if the book would have been written by him, applying all his knowledge on nature and environment, he has dedicated patiently the required time to each section, always with fluent communication, continues back and forth. I highly recommend James.

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