Self-Discipline: The Practical Steps & Habits You Need to Learn How To Get Things Done by Berger Newton

(6) The Practical Steps & Habits You Need to Learn How To Get Things Done

Self-discipline: the practical steps & habits you need to learn how to get things done


Self-discipline is one of your most valuable assets. When you possess it, it can take every area of your life to the next level. You will find it easier to elevate your career, get more fit and even strengthen your personal life and relationships. However, where do you begin?  This book will help you get started on your self-discipline journey. It will give you all of the information that you need to assess and improve your self-discipline as well as cover all of the elements required for greater self-discipline. It is easy to follow and ensures that you have the tools needed to meet your goals.

This book has powerful and actionable information on how to change your life for the better by providing you with  effective tips to become more disciplined. Designed as a complete self-discipline blueprint, this book provides you with  easy and effective strategies to build the right mindset so you can curb your temptations and build a good life for yourself.

In this comprehensive guide on self-discipline, you'll find anything and everything you need to know to become the best version of yourself. This step-by-step process breaks down all the essentials toward becoming a more responsible, dependable, and devoted person, letting you learn the ropes of self-discipline, so you can stick to anything you put your mind to - all the way to fruition, instead of just watching your hopes come to pass without results.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 6483

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Sample text:

So how exactly does one break the feedback loop of avoidance? The more a person avoids, the harder it is to quit. The turning point for most people is often an avoidable and regrettable ending, like a lost job, failed assignment or lost wages. Self-discipline is the ability to look at your true desires and determining that the outcomes at the end of your goals are much worthier and more enjoyable than your current impulses and distractions, and sticking with it long enough to make it through hard situations

To figure out where to start with your plan towards improving self-discipline, start by asking:

What is the motivation?
What do I think will happen when this is done?
What will look different when this is accomplished?
What needs to change?
What are my weaknesses?
What one thing can I start today?

Acknowledging your weaknesses is never a bad thing. If you tend to ignore things that are distractions or obvious areas where you need to improve, this will not make these go away simply with avoidance. If you are a person who is prone to binging on unhealthy food, or if checking social media becomes a much larger time waster ruining your productivity, acknowledge these weaknesses. Recognizing any area you need to improve is always the first step to creating a plan. Otherwise these will sneak up and sabotage your efforts. Self-discipline is driven by changing your habits, and truly the goal of discipline is a byproduct of the changes you make in habits, routines and daily activities.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Annalisa Gugliotta

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