Self-Discipline: The Definitive Guide to Success Through Self-Discipline by Steven Downey

(9) The Definitive Guide to Success Through Self-Discipline And Achieve Your Greatest Life Goals

Self-discipline: the definitive guide to success through self-discipline


People who accomplish great things owe their successes not on luck, but on the sheer ability to control their desires and to keep themselves from being complacent with what they currently have. Successes and failures should not be grounded on fortune or the lack thereof because they are more tied to how we live through self-discipline


If you’re contemplating purchasing the book, then you’ve decided it’s time for a change of significant proportions, a change that might take only 30 days to implement, but that will last you for a lifetime. Your conviction is admirable, but to undergo such a change, you must first understand what self-discipline is and what it is not.

If you want to achieve the same level of success then it’s necessary to start developing your self-discipline right now! You have to take full control of your own thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and habits. Self-discipline, while a bit difficult for those who don’t have it inherently, is the key ingredient to achieving your lofty goals. Some of the most successful people in the world even champion it. 

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity

Word Count: 9903

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Sample text:

There was only one career option open to the Spartan boys—that of a soldier. Again, think of how lucky you are. The education system was grueling enough, and the boys were expected to remain soldiers all their lives. They were not allowed to choose a profession of their liking. This peculiar feature of Spartan society left important activities like agriculture, trade, manufacturing and craft in the hands of the lower classes of the strata. The Spartan elite made up the military force.

As you can see, this is yet another crucial way in which our society is the polar opposite to that of ancient Sparta. We enjoy a very wide range of choices in our lives, as we live in a time when each of us has a sea of opportunity awaiting us down the road. The libertarian civilizations of today revolve around the notion that every individual has the potential to develop their best possible self in life, giving us much control over our destiny.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Maurizio Bisogno
Already translated. Translated by Sidnei Sargaço

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