Self-Discipline: Mental Toughness Mindset Develop And Achieve the Success (brain for success) by Stephen Johnston

(45) Mental Toughness Mindset Develop And Achieve the Success (brain for success)

Self-discipline: mental toughness mindset develop and achieve the success (brain for success)


In most circles among adults, suggesting discipline is problematic because it feels like that word is reserved for kids. Yes, there is one kind of discipline that is reserved for kids. But the kind of discipline that you need to attain the kind of success you are thinking of is very different than the picture that emerges at the invocation of the word.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book has been designed and tailored just for you. 
Building mental toughness through the techniques in this book will help you boost your self-confidence and build the stamina and accountability to follow through on your goals.

If you are the kind of person that is full of inspiration, loads of ideas, and have plenty knocking around in your head, but none of that has materialized, then there is a good chance what you need is more discipline.

In this book, you will learn how to do away with that troublesome motivation that makes you think you’re on your way to success, so that you can replace it with earned self-discipline which will allow you to finally pinpoint, flesh out, and follow through with whatever it is you want to accomplish

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 8904

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Sample text:

When it comes to your self-control, things take an interesting turn. According to the same researchers, the more you control yourself, the easier controlling yourself becomes. For instance, you have heard the notion that “starting is always the hardest thing to do.” Well, as it turns out, this notion has some rooting in self-control. Take the example of waking up earlier than usual to work out before going to work.

At first, you will need to “will yourself” to do it, which means you will use a ton of willpower. Since your willpower is at its highest in the mornings, even though at first, you’ll struggle with getting out of bed, when you actually do it for the first time, you’ll feel incredibly powerful and capable and waking up early the next morning will be easier than the day before it. If you continue “willing” yourself to wake up early each morning, you will get to a point where doing so becomes habitual. At that point, you’ll not need willpower to wake up early or exercise.

As you can see, this has a very simple implication: unlike willpower that diminishes with each individual use, self-control gets stronger with each use. For instance, if you say no to that desert long enough, the strong urge to eat the desert will diminish greatly. Therein lies the secret to self-control and achieving anything you want in life: Practice self-control at every chance you get

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