Self-Discipline: Achieve Your Goals Become a Success And Create a Life Strategy and Master by Haya Sanborn

(89) Achieve Your Goals Become a Success And Create a Life Strategy and Master

Self-discipline: achieve your goals become a success and create a life strategy and master


This book is the staircase anyone can climb when they’ve decided they want to escape their prison of mediocrity.
It’s also the book that will push you through the glass ceiling that is keeping you inside your comfort zone. 

It's important to understand that discipline is a learnable skill and habit. The same goes for procrastination. The more you procrastinate, the more difficult it becomes to break the habit. Whereas, if you continually practice self-discipline and gain momentum with it, your "discipline muscles" become stronger and it becomes easier for you to take massive action in your life. The more action you take, the greater results you will have.

Self-discipline is a matter of self-control. It is managing your life to do things that need to be done instead of doing things you want. Of course, we all wish to live a comfortable life. We want to take things easy. But life is not like that. We need to sacrifice to achieve something worthwhile.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 5236

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



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Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


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Sample text:

We need to talk about limiting beliefs. Self identity. Is there a really ambitious goal that you wrote down, and then think “I don’t have the time”, or “I don’t have the resources”, or something that begins to make you doubt you can achieve your goal? Yeah, well we’re gonna get rid of it.

If you believe you’re lazy, that’s a problem. Look at Michael Phelps again. If he saw himself as a lazy person, no way would he have worked as hard as he did to win 28 Olympic medals. He put so much of his identity in his insane work ethic. It wasn’t just something he did, you see. It was who he was as a person.

Look at the failing student who gets told by his/her teacher that they are a bad student and that’s all they will ever be. Being a 2nd grader, this student pretty much accepts anything he/she is told as reality. Let me ask you this: how in the world is a student that believes they are a “bad student” ever going to think it’s worth it to study? They already believe they are a terrible student and that it’s all they’ll ever be!

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Itzayana Cobos

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