Self-Discipline: 15 Proven Techniques to Develop Successful Self-Discipline Habits by Dominic Green

(3) 15 Proven Techniques to Develop Successful Self-Discipline Habits and Strong Confidance

Self-discipline: 15 proven techniques to develop successful self-discipline habits


There are very few people in this world who which have developed the skill of self-discipline, and yes it’s not that easy, but that’s actually a really good thing because that means not everybody will be able to achieve a high level of self-discipline, but if you do, you will be easily able to outcompete most people and have a really good life. And I will exactly teach you in this book, how you can develop the skill of self-discipline and finally get the life you always wanted.

I myself played a lot of soccer growing up and had a guy on my team who was the most talented player I’ve ever seen. He would do things with the ball nobody else could do. It was clear to every player and every coach that this guy was something special and had a lot of talent. He got calls from all big clubs around my area to join them, and after having the abundance to choose one of these big clubs, every other player in my team would have died to play for, he chose one

You use the alarm clock for the occasional sleep over. But you could do without it. It gets complicated to control thoughts. You have conditioned the body to wake up at day break. Knowing self discipline is a good starting point. Better yet, understanding how self discipline shapes the foundation of success. 

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / General

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem

Word Count: 5274

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Sample text:

The first step is having a really clear picture about what you want to achieve through self discipline. Is it a specific goal that you want to achieve or is it just a resolution that popped up in your mind overnight? I really hope that it is the former and not latter because self-discipline is best developed if channeled towards a specific thing such as a desired outcome in terms of a goal, change or a habit. 

Ask yourself questions such as:

What do I want to focus on in this moment? 
What do I want to change in my life right now?
What is this new habit that I want to develop?
What do I want to have, be or achieve and how will I achieve this?

Think about what is holding you back at the moment from being self disciplined. In this process, assess all limitations- be it other people’s influence on your life and your own character flaws. Keep a journal and write down all the limitations you come up with and write possible solutions against each limitation. 

After this, visualize your goals. Think comprehensively about what they are and how they are. Have some sort of simulation where you see yourself taking the steps to get to your goal- not just the end results without working for what you want. This will realistically make your goals actionable.

From there, it’s time to take action

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