Repositioning Yourself for Greater Success by Ikechukwu Joseph
Creating Prosperity Out of Adversity
Repositioning Yourself for Greater Success (Creating Prosperity out of Adversity) is a great how -to -guide for those who want to succeed in life,career,profession or

Repositioning Yourself for Greater Success
(Creating Prosperity out of Adversity) is a great how -to -guide for those who want to succeed in life,career,profession or ministry.Overcoming life's challenges.Want to succeed where others failed?See what those who succeeded did to get there.Learn the tools of repositioning, reflection readjustment, retooling, rearrangement, retrospection, regrouping, reproof, redemption, reformation, reaccess, rehearse, reconciliation, regeneration, resolution, reengineering
Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Entrepreneurship
Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Inspirational
Language: English
Keywords: repositioning, success, inspirational, entrepreneurship
Word Count: 14786
Sales info: Rated five star
Sample text: Introduction
Examining every problem you encounter in life in the light of these words will give you insight into the solution and will draw you nearer to success and away from failure. You can create wealth out of death, something out of nothing, peace out of crisis, mercies out of misery by repositioning yourself to align with divine signals and position. Opportunities to greater altitudes abound and come and go every minute but your ability to see them, recognize and seize them, converting them into physical wealth has been the missing links in your life. This book is destiny nuggets, treasure land, and the champions pathway. Prayerfully, wisely and dutifully read the treasure revealed here by inspiration of the Holy Spirit and buckle up to convert then to raw wealth that will uplift your life and bring you into supernatural breakthrough. You can live in the realm of the supernatural while in this natural base. You can bring fulfillment into your life. You can gather your shattered dreams again. You can reach the top. You can peak your career. Grab most of the tools you need in this God sent book.
-You can create opportunity out of importunity
-You can create sense out of non-sense
-You can create something out of nothing
-You can create mercies out of misery
-You can create wealth out of dearth
-You can create advantage out of disadvantage
-You can create viable ventures out of turbulent adventures
-You can create tomorrows peace out of todays crisis
Ride on beloved. Bravo. Shalom.
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