Paleo diet: paleo diet for lose weight and clean your body


The paleo diet is inspired by the diet of our ancestors during the caveman era. Fueled by modern medical and scientific research, the diet is all about eating whole, healthy foods and staying away from processed foods and artificial sweeteners. It takes you back to the days of our primitive ancestors, who did not have to worry about high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity. That's because they ate whatever they found - foods that were naturally abundant.

The paleo diet is inspired by the diet of our ancestors during the caveman era. Fueled by modern medical and scientific research, the diet is all about eating whole, healthy foods and staying away from processed foods and artificial sweeteners. It takes you back to the days of our primitive ancestors, who did not have to worry about high blood pressure, diabetes, or obesity. That's because they ate whatever they found - foods that were naturally abundant.

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Genre: COOKING / Baby Food

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Alternative Therapies

Language: English

Keywords: paleo, paleo diet, paleo diet for beginners, paleo diet recipes, paleo diet meal plan, paleo diet for athletes, keto diet, low carb diet, weight loss

Word Count: 4904

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



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Sample text:

decrease in body fat percentage and raise in muscle mass
Better sleep
Clearer skin and better hair
Mind clarity
Decrease in blood pressure
Better temper and attitude
Depression decreases
Decrease in fasting blood glucose levels
Better gut flora   
Improved absorption of food nutrients
Decrease in triglyceride levels and increase in HDL levels,
Reduced allergies
More energy


In a big dish, mix the ground beef, red onion, garlic, egg yolk, and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Make six patties from the beef mixture.

Cook the patties on a grill or BBQ for almost 5 to 6 minutes each side over a medium heat.

Barbecue the pineapple for almost 1 to 2 minutes each side.

Melt some cooking fat in a frying pan placed over a medium-high heat and fry the eggs.

Spread mayonnaise on rolls, and then gather burgers with beets, pineapple, eggs, and tomato.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Enrique Francisco GRANADOS GONZÁLEZ

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