This bestseller and many award winning autobiographical debut poetry collection plunges into modern times, regrets, depression, and suicidal thoughts.Most of them are poetic reflections of personal emotions and situations the poet was laid in. The poems cover a 20 years life events and are expression of clear, true and purged feelings and stark reality of his situation.
Genre: POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Inspirational & ReligiousBestseller in its releasing week and constanantly remaining in top 100 poetry books in its category
My Gallery
In upper part of my body
a cognitive bell rings
from a dial-up connection of live wires,
The modem is working just
to repeatedly provide the facsimile of
barren and bald family paths
Inner lumbering of daily freight
coiling,clutching upward,
There is no vivacity;
the vital force has parasited,
How I inhale life?
My days and nights are bolted
inside a brain cell,
My voice has held back,
It lays a plan to brawl my soul
residing in my own skull
and dictates notes imitating my tone
I couldn’t disintegrate my recall
As my sullen shadow has left me
There remains Just I, me and myself,
Why is my brain a black hole?
Could it not be a universe
out of a constellation of migraine, tablets
syringe, backache and insomnia?
Dream has become a dead pattern
As worn out as fossilized glow,
Everything has become identical
except the weight of consequence
that has variations of endurance
As I go through perdition
my imbalance will be rectified,
Hang my remaining art on the wall
as after allotted time my gallery will end
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Translated by Rachel Vidal
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