8 Effective Steps to Get Your Heart’s Desire, Improve Health, Build Best Habits
Set Goals and Achieve them for sure!

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”–C. S. Lewis.
Do you follow your heart?
Do you procrastinate often to build the best healthy habits?
Do you desire to achieve what you want from your life?
Do you doubt you will enjoy your future?
Are you still struggling to set goals?
Every individual dreams for accomplishments, wisdom, holistic growth and abundance in their life, but very few can only achieve all of them.
Years come and go. You make resolutions to transform your life every year but you can’t remain consistent in sticking to your resolutions and miss accomplishing your personal and professional goals.
Do you feel guilty about that?
Remember, it is neither your faults nor your luck. What inhibits your growth is not circumstances but the lack of a clear understanding of your inner strengths and your true potentials. The ineffective process or steps you follow to achieve your heart’s yearning deliver your failures, because those so-called effective strategies are contradictory, confusing, stressful, and discouraging.
If your steps are not in the right direction, you will never reach the desired destination. Finding the right direction and following it until you reach your dream goals demand wisdom.
Dear Friend,
I am Prabin Sharma and I’m so excited to share my second book "NEW YEAR 21: 8 Effective Steps to Get Your Heart’s Desire, Improve Health, Build Best Habits and Achieve Life Goals"
This book is full of wisdom and practical experiences that will show you:
♥ The right direction and also
♥ Share insights on a well established and time tasted 8-Step process to ensure
♥ Getting your heart’s desire,
♥ Improving health (both the physical and mental),
♥ Building best habits and
♥ Achieving life goals.
✓ This book will help you keep you going in your chosen direction while staying open to even greater possibilities.
✓ You will get clarity on your power, passion, and purpose.
✓ This book will show you a path to success, self-awareness, and self-mastery so that you can create your desired future.
Inside this book, you will learn:
★ How to have a more positive impact on your lives and
★ Prepare yourself for the success you always wanted.
★ You will also learn how to build good habits and achieve amazing goals.
This book will answer all your queries using the NEWYEAR21 formula.
Are you ready to know and use the NEWYEAR21 formula?
Remember, the ability to change lies within you.
“What is not started today is never finished tomorrow.”–Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe.
Allow yourself to grab a copy of this book to discover your winning habits for creating the success you want, the health you desire, and the wealth you deserve.
Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success
Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Self-Management / General
Language: English
Keywords: Goals
Word Count: 20000
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