New Life Discipleship Workbook Beginner's Edition: A Fourteen Week Study by Nakia Trader, Valyncia Jefferson
New Life Disciple Workbook Beginner’s Edition includes an introduction to the weekly discipleship lesson topic, key verses, memorization, faith challenges and more to guide you on your journey of new life in Christ.
New Life Disciple Workbook Beginner’s Edition includes an introduction to the weekly discipleship lesson topic, key verses, memorization, faith challenges and more to guide you on your journey of new life in Christ. It is a purposeful workbook for brand-new followers of Christ that can be used as an individual study or one-on-one discipleship. It presents the fundamentals beliefs, practices, and components of the faith, such as the centrality of Christ, the value of prayer and Bible reading, the importance of community, and what it means to be on mission for God. Meeting times are equally effective in one-on-one discipleship relationships as they are in traditional small groups, and exercises put weekly topics into practice. Although this workbook is a part of a discipleship series, this material can also be used independently.
Every week, faith challenges, videos, and discussion questions are included in this disciple-making resource to help reinforce the key ideas of each lesson. The spiritual development and level of dedication of a new believer have all been taken into consideration when designing this workbook and the activities within each lesson.
Understanding the Gospel
Salvation Assurance
New Identity
Abiding in Christ
The Holy Spirit
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Evangelism
Secondary Genre: RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship
Language: English
Keywords: Evangelism, ministry, Christian living, Discipleship, Missions, Christian ministry, Nonfiction, New believer
Word Count: 21930
Sample text: Read and Discuss
Key Verses: Ephesians 2:8-9; John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9
Memorize: John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Main Thought: The purpose of this lesson can be summed up into 4 points (shown below). We want to destroy the false gospel that people can be “good enough” for God and clearly communicate the price Jesus paid for them on the cross. Not everyone is a Christian simply because they claim to be. True Christians produce the “fruit” of a changed life.
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