Minimalism: A Complete Guide to Happiness with Less and (For Beginners) by Jefferson Lark

(3) A Complete Guide to Happiness with Less and (For Beginners)

Minimalism: a complete guide to happiness with less and (for beginners)


There are so many people that are consumed by the rat race of life.They are forever trying to find a way in which to possess senseless things which can never bring true happiness and fulfillment, and throughout the process, they have lost things which are truly valuable. They end up being so overwhelmed, depressed, and purposeless despite all they have achieved. 

Minimalism is a process that involves ridding oneself with everything that no longer serves purpose. Minimalism revolves around finding meaning, value, and intention in every aspect of life. When a minimalist decides to pursue a more meaningful path, they’re given the ability to escape the freedoms and constrictions that bind so many people to a life of discontent.

Minimalism is misinterpreted as the way of the monks. In reality, minimalism is the way to accept those things that bring joy and value in life and shun those things that lead to stress. It is a path of joy and stability. 

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 4355

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Sample text:

Every room of your home should fill you with joy and peace, something not possible if your home is a clutter magnet. Contrary to popular belief, happiness does not come from owning a bigger house or having the latest home appliance. In fact, you can have all that and be the unhappiest person you know. 

Reevaluate your space needs (which comes automatically after decluttering) and if you note that after decluttering, you have more space than you need, boldly make the choice to transition to a smaller home (if need be). This reevaluation ought to be a constant part of your life, a habit.

If you’re living in a smaller space, be creative about where you choose to store the things you use and need, the ones that add value to your life. Always remember that minimalism is about having in your life things that add value. You can read here, here, and here to learn some effective strategies you can use to make smaller space larger and functional.

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Already translated. Translated by Mariana Chevrand

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