Mindfulness: Achieve Your Performance with Mindfulness to Live in the Present by Judson Hicks

(18) Achieve Your Performance with Mindfulness to Live in the Present

Mindfulness: achieve your performance with mindfulness to live in the present



The exercises and meditations in this program are designed to make it easy for you to mindfully manage stress, control cravings, and prevent relapse. Long after you’ve quit, you’ll continue to enjoy smoke-free smoke breaks to help you feel calm, relaxed, and in control throughout the day.

Mindfulness is a mental state wherein the mind is fully aware of the current moment. In this moment-by-moment mental state, there is no feeling of guilt, remorse or judgment. When we are in this state, we treat ourselves with kindness and acceptance.

This distress can lead them to suffer from maladies such as anxiety, phobias, depression, addiction, eating disorders, issues with self esteem and anger, emotional suffering, post traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and various other behavioral and mental health difficulties.The reason why people find it difficult to resolve and overcome this inner turmoil and become stuck is because of their ineffective thinking process.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: confidence, marriage, divorce, overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 5106

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Sample text:

Is your mind constantly bombarded with many different thoughts and ideas every day?  Are you persistently bothered by these thoughts that you are left worrying over them most of the time?

These are mental clutter and they usually stem from the fact that we try to do many things at once leading to not fully completing tasks.  Hence, our attention is divided across a number of open tasks we have on the go.

It’s hard to live a happy, peaceful, and well-balanced life if you are under stress and living a life of constant chaos and clutter.  Physical clutter gives us much stress and mental clutter can kill!  Unfinished tasks, stressful relationships, a load of incoming assignments and schedules to be fulfilled are open loops that drain our energy and leave us indecisive and troubled.  All these add much to our already stressful everyday situations.

While we are trying hard to be tolerant of our life or other people, this creates a bulk of emotional clutter looming at the back of your head and developing into bad thoughts, destructive emotions or moods.  Generally, mental clutter is everything that interferes with a happy and balanced living while it brings you stress and drains life out of you.  Moreover, it is a self-imposed kind of stress.  With so much stressor in our daily life, who would want added stress coming from clutter?

If there is clutter in your mind, there is no space for positive things – or things that can help you attain a success and happiness.  According to Peter Walsh, a best-selling author of New York Times, you will never walk the path leading to your dreams if you don't clear the room."

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