In a utopian future hundreds of years from now, where function reigns supreme over artistic flair, these adolescents are the stars of the show. They just don’t know it.
Dane, a cautious yet curious soul, finds himself abruptly transferred to The Hall, an environment immersed in the art of music. A mysterious note sparks a flame that will alter the course of his existence.
Roc, an unstoppable force of energy and competitiveness, finds himself thrust into The Arena, a sports haven perfectly suited to his dynamic nature. In this fast-paced arena, he must navigate the fine line between success and surrender.
Lia discovers solace among like-minded misfits in The Park, where days are filled with the freedom of skateboarding and flow-riding. However, a traumatic incident alters the course of their lives, setting in motion a series of events that will reverberate for years.
Hale, immersed in the digital realm of The Level, succumbs to the monotony of video games. Failing to connect with the group beyond the virtual confines, she plunges into a profound depression that challenges the very fabric of her existence.
The Lounge emerges as a vibrant mosaic where young adults converge to party, but Britt discovers that this is a different game—one where trust is a fragile commodity, and not everyone is a genuine friend.
Ana, a product of a utopian world obsessed with practicality and efficiency has a unique perspective and becomes the unlikely thread that binds them all. She embarks on a daring quest to save them, risking her own future in the process.
Are their lives interconnected somehow? And who can answer the question they all have on their mind 'What happens when we disappear?'
Dive into this thought-provoking narrative where utopia and uncertainty collide, and the echoes of these adolescents' lives resonate through history. "Millennial Scenes" is an exploration of identity, acceptance, and the profound impact of choices in a society where the rules are unbendable and unquestionable, a future world that is not as idyllic as it seems.
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Dane tried to get the sleep out of his eyes by rubbing them hard, hoping it would make him see clearer. Just in case, he kept them closed for a few moments, and opened them again. He shook his head, but it made no difference. Eyes wide open, his head unmoving, the view was still the same. Had his eyes gone bad, or maybe his head? Everything was different, and he had trouble deciding whether it was him or everything around him that had changed.
Only a few moments ago Dane had woken up from his deep sleep with a jolt. Loud noise, sounds he didn’t recognize, effectively woke him up. What was that noise? He went through all the possibilities he could think of, which was a very quick exercise. The children in Big Room could certainly be rowdy and more than a little noisy, but that usually only after breakfast. Besides, this wasn’t the normal bustle he knew well. Screaming, whether from excitement or sadness, were sounds he was all too familiar with, but these were no cries. Could it be someone banging toys against the metal climbing frame? It sounded similar, but that didn’t seem right either. He doubted any of his friends could produce such a sound even if they tried. Whatever this sound was, he expected it to stop, and it surprised him when it didn’t. Dane couldn’t make sense of it. He had a strange sour taste in his mouth. What had he eaten before he went to sleep? He threw the covers off and got up to find out more.