Meditation: Learn Meditation And Stay Positive And Heal Yourself (Based on Science) by Ella Campbell

Learn Meditation And Stay Positive And Heal Yourself (Based on Science)

Meditation: learn meditation and stay positive and heal yourself (based on science)


There is nowhere in the definition of meditation that states you must clear your mind, focus on your breathing and be by yourself. Meditation means to become more aware of oneself by acknowledging your conscious, there are many ways to do this and the most known happens to be focused breathing. Everyone has a peaceful zen state that can truly benefit them, however finding that zen state and using the right techniques for the right person is something that takes practice over time.

That is why I wrote this book, although it may not be pages it has only the necessary information you need to start and develop a good solid meditation practice. Using well researched and tested results from my own practice I have put together the techniques and strategies I used to develop a daily practice of meditation.

The popularity of meditation is increasing, there is no denying that. Meditation can help you build an increased sense of awareness, enhance your concentration, develop self-discipline and more which you will go on to read about in this book. 

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Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 7906

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Sample text:

You’re probably reading this because you’ve heard of all the good things that happen to meditators. As cited in the intro, meditation is a set of exercises that trains the mind, but according to medical science, it also has an effect on our brain.


Thanks to modern technology, we now know it’s not mumbo-jumbo. Researchers who hook meditators up to devices like fMRI scans have found that meditation really does have very real and very measurable effects on their noodles, so let’s cover some of that briefly.


The frontal lobe, located just behind the eyes, is the most evolved part of the brain. It’s responsible for reasoning, planning, emotions, and self-awareness. The deeper people meditate, the more this bit can shut off and take a break.


The parietal lobe is in the middle of our brains and is responsible for processing information about our environment. It also governs our sense of time and space. This part slows down in during meditation.


The thalamus is also in the midbrain just above the brain stem. It’s responsible for funneling sensory data, and yes, it also slows down when people meditate.


Finally, there’s the reticular formation, a set of interconnected nuclei clustered around the brainstem. These receive stimuli and make the brain alert, ready to make you act if needed. These become less active, reducing your sense of up-and-at-‘em.


So what does all this mean for you?


For one thing, it reduces stress by making your brain less ready to fight the world, as well as everyone and everything in it. Meditation has been found to be effective in treating those with violent tendencies and has been used in prisons to mitigate recidivism (the likelihood they’ll go back to their old ways).

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Wellington Rodrigues
Already translated. Translated by Raiza Abreu

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