Lucid Dreaming: The Ultimate Ways to Take Control Lucid Dreams with Body Experiences by Maya Martin

(28) The Ultimate Ways to Take Control Lucid Dreams with Body Experiences

Lucid dreaming:  the ultimate ways to take control lucid dreams with body experiences


The following program is in a script format that can be used in several ways. You may use it as a resource or reference. This is also a helpful tool for if you’re interested in recording a hypnosis session for personal use only. You can tailor the script as you go based on what works for you personally. 

Doubts about your power to manifest can ruin your success, whether you are trying to attract money, wealth, a life partner, or abundant health. How can you overcome that doubt? How can you really open the channels to prosperity with the help of manifestation?

Then she gives us healing steps to follow and guidance to overcoming our own. She believes if we listen to our intuition and connect with the divine, we can overcome even crippling adversity and find and live our true life purpose.

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Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: self esteem, confidence, marriage, divorce, overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit, self esteem, discipline, productivity, focus

Word Count: 5660

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Sample text:

Everyone has nightmares, even those of us that claim not to remember their dreams will undoubtedly remember those nights that we woke up scared to death of some bogey man set on getting us in the middle of the night. That is simply the nature of how memories imprint themselves in our mind. Just like in waking life, negative emotions and imagery last with us much longer than the positive. Scientists have said that this aspect alone is the result of an evolutionary need to remember potential dangers in life. But nightmares are just dreams right?


Most of us can sleep in the assurance that our dreams our just fanciful imaginings and can not follow us in waking life. But those who suffer from sleep paralysis are not quite so sure. Because just like “Nightmare on Elm Street” sufferers of sleep paralysis seem to have their terrifying visions of the night briefly come to life in the darkness of their bedroom. These night time terror’s are much harder to dismiss.


Also known as, Hypnogogic Dreams, this dreaming phenomenon has the sleeper suddenly waking up, with eyes either closed or open, the dreamer is awake only to find that their body is paralyzed, they can not move a muscle and no matter how hard they try they can not even cry out for help. After the initial realization that they can not move complete panic sets in and the fear builds. Shortly after this a presence is felt in the room, usually there is an extreme fear and sense of complete evil with this figure.

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