low carb: Quick and Easy Gluten Free Low Cholesterol Whole Foods Recipes full of Antioxidants by Darren Wallace

(83b) Quick and Easy Gluten Free Low Cholesterol Whole Foods Recipes full of Antioxidants

Low carb: quick and easy gluten free low cholesterol whole foods recipes full of antioxidants

Getting the best out of the available varieties of keto-friendly vegan food items is the goal of most keto vegans. Staying vegan when on a keto diet might seem challenging for most people. However, you do not have to be left behind when it comes to the beautiful experience that comes with the vegan keto diet plan.

Explore the wide variety of vegan keto delicacies outlined in this vegan keto cookbook, and enjoy the stuff of dreams. Yes, you can have it all − delicious, unique, simplified, and several vegan keto recipes for your easy vegan keto fix!

This vegan keto bible, therefore, gives you all the necessary pointers you need to make your vegan keto journey a smooth one. It begins by educating you on all the essential information on what a vegan keto diet is, how it works, and its numerous benefits. There is also a comprehensive overview of what you can eat, what you cannot eat, and what you can substitute into the diet.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners, paleo diet, vegan diet

Word Count: 7760

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Sample text:


8 ounce cream cheese, room temperature
1 ½ cup shredded carrots
1 ½ cup shredded zucchini
1 ½ Tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
½ teaspoon garlic powder
Pinch of salt and fresh ground pepper, each
Pinch of paprika
Pinch of garlic salt


In a medium-sized bowl, blend the cream cheese until smooth.

Add the zucchini, carrot, garlic powder, parsley, onion powder, paprika, pepper, and garlic salt. Stir until combined.

Cover. Place in refrigerator. Chill for 30 minutes.

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