low carb: Mouthwatering Slow Cooker Recipes For Boosting Weight Loss by Ernest Bryant

(77b) Mouthwatering Slow Cooker Recipes For Boosting Weight Loss

Low carb: mouthwatering slow cooker recipes for boosting weight loss

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to prepare the top 365 Easy to Cook and make Delicious Lip smacking Low-Carb Paleo Diet Dessert Recipes. 
Finish your meals with a healthy, low-carb Paleo dessert. Do not worry about gaining weight on this selection even though it is high in fat. Weight loss is not all about turning away from eating desserts. There is a way to enjoy the sweet and enjoying meal-enders. 

Eating healthy and losing weight is hard and often confusing. This complete low-carb cookbook includes a great collection of low carb recipes. The delicious and healthy recipes of this cookbook taste so good you will forget that you are on a diet. Several scientific studies show that people who follow a low-carb diet lose weight faster than any other diets. Time and time again, scientists have been telling us that “It’s not fat, but carbohydrates that make us fat

Here's what's included in this book:

What Is A Low Carb Diet?
Benefits Of A Low Carb Diet
How To Start A Low Carb Diet
Tips For Your Low Carb Diet
Health Risks Of A Low Carb Diet

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 6184

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Sample text:


6 egg
1-2 shallots, finely chopped
4-8 slices bacon, cooked
½ cup shredded cheese
1 Tablespoon salsa
Pinch of salt and fresh ground pepper, each
Muffin tin
Oil to coat muffin tins


1) Preheat oven to 375◦F.

2) Chop up the cooked bacon and shallots.

3) In a large bowl, crack the eggs. Add the salt and pepper, salsa, crumbled bacon and cheese. Mix until combined.

4) Pour the batter in the muffin tins, ¾ full.

5) Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown.

6) Serve immediately. 

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