Loved By A Killer by C.F. Rabbiosi

Raina loved performing on the London stage, but one night found herself dancing for only HIM.

Loved by a killer

Raina loved performing on the London stage, but one night found herself dancing for only HIM. She froze, her cerulean eyes drawn to the balcony, where the warm glow of gaslights flickered upon his shadowy form. If only she had known that this monster— wrapped in beautiful skin— would rip her away from everything in the world she loved, perhaps she wouldn’t have lingered so long.

Lord Marcus Loxley loved being a bloodthirsty predator, but one night his gallivanting brought him to his knees in front of her. If only he’d known what would happen when she danced, that she would remind him of someone who had been everything in the world he loved, perhaps he would’ve turned away.

Determined to possess her in every scintillating meaning of the word, he drags her deeper and deeper into his depraved world, willing her to become his crimson-spattered queen. But she fights him, as well as the darkness within that threatens to consume her very existence. And oh, how her caged demoness begs to be released. But desire is a dangerous thing, and a part of her still wants her captor.

Roughly, deeply, quivering, consuming.

Until she begins falling for someone else.

Meanwhile, prostitutes are being butchered in the misty, cobblestone streets of London’s East end, and she begins to wonder: Is her dark lover, the one she is bound to, The Ripper?

With the haunting beauty of the gas lit times of Victorian England and historically accurate Jack the Ripper crime scenes, Loved By A Killer is a beautifully written, gripping paranormal romance.

Warning: Sexual content and graphic violence.

"Quite an interesting concept for a book. The twists and turns are easy to follow but not easy to predict. Couldn't put it down! -Exposure Book Blog
"Hot damn! are you serious?" I'm in love. I'm seriously entranced." -Nichole Horn, Amazon reviewer
"I could write a book on this book. Captivating from the first chapter and didn't let me go until the very last page." -Amazon reviewer J. Saman
"I know I have things to do but this story is so good and I'm riveted. So intense." - E. B. Black, Author and editor
"Beautifully written, gripping." -D.C. Triana, Amazon reviewer

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal

Language: English

Keywords: paranormal romance and urban fantasy books, sex gaslight london steampunk old england uk, vampire british london cerulean gaslights shadow, gore vampires undead lord of the night shadows, serial killer beautiful jack the ripper crime, graphic murder serial killer love story darkness, historical dark fiction captor kidnapping magical

Word Count: 86795

Sales info:

Strong Amazon sales record.

Sample text:

“HER NAME IS RAINA CORLISS,” the barmaid revealed as she glanced toward the stage. The man she spoke to did not acknowledge her in the slightest, for he sat in spellbound silence unable to release his gaze from the dancing beauty in front of him.

Lord Marcus Loxley did not fit in at the small theater house in the dregs of London. As a gentleman of breeding, he did not frequent such places where he would be forced to mingle with the common people. But Marcus was a predator and common blood was oh, so delicious to prey upon. He sometimes visited two or three dance halls or taverns a night looking for women to drink of. He loved nothing more than to stalk one into a dark alley where he could hold her down and drink her terror filled blood deep into him. Then, Marcus thought with building excitement, he would force her skirts up and—

“Anythin’ else I can get ya sir?”

He grasped the woman’s wrist and stared intensely into her frightened eyes. A hint of amusement played across his utterly beautiful face as he considered eating her, but remembering where he was, and that such things were frowned upon in polite society, he moved her hand to his lips and instead brushed them softly over her milky skin. She shuddered sweetly like a chill had tingled her spine.

“Another brandy then,” he said with a wicked smile and released her. The girl breathed in sharply and fumbled for his glass before hurrying away to refill it. He had felt her blood rush, the little hairs on her arm rise and stand on end; it was a mixture of fear and desire causing her hormones to dance.

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