Understanding BPD from a Sufferer's Perspective

Lonely road

This book will make you cry. No book will appeal to your emotion and captures what BPD person goes through daily as this book does.

Who is this book for?

If you are having an identity crisis even though you know you shouldn’t, then this book is for you.

If everyone around you seem to live a normal life while yours seems totally messed up, I tell you my friend, you could not get a better book that understands you as this book does.

If you have a loved one whose actions and reactions seem to frustrate you, then read this book to understand what really goes on in the head of a BPD person.

Also recommend this book to anyone who questions how you react to actions and find it difficult to realize that you are a victim yourself.

The Book

If you are a BPD person and has ever felt alone, like the only person who suffers from crisis of not knowing who they are, wondering why you feel so empty, so nerdy, insecure and undesirable.

This book explains what can happen in the life of a person with borderline personality disorder in every typical day of their life using real life experiences. 

The experiences will tell you how some BPD persons react when they believe they are about to be dumped and abandoned and what they do about it.

It will also show how some other BPD persons feel when they feel empty in their inner core.

You will also learn the three emotions a BPD person has to deal with daily as they attempt to manage the impulsive and non-impulsive actions.

A BPD person who reads this book will quickly identify from the beginning of the book that his or her feelings have been finally captured correctly by someone emphatic enough to try and understand what goes on in the head of a person with borderline personality disorder. He should be able to understand some aspects of him told from the perspective of a BPD person.

So it does not matter if you are a man, woman, working or a stay at home, you will find aspects of yourself that relates to you as you go through this book.

Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Psychotherapy / Couples & Family

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Mood Disorders / Bipolar Disorder

Language: English

Keywords: act, book , borderline, bpd, dealing, diagnosed, disorder, ebook, eggshell, essential, live, for, from, get, guide, has, life , someone, living, loving, me, my, newly, partner, personality, persons, recovery, relationships, walking, spouse, stop, survival, understanding, family, feelings, love, hate, don't, leave, coping, dating

Word Count: 13666

Sales info:

The book is able to sell a considerable number of copies on Amazon and other platforms because it is a topic dear to the heart of many people.

Sample text:

As a person living with borderline personality disorder (BPD), you alone know what pain you feel inside. You struggle in your ability to handle issues as you find that many things are out of your control. Yet despite all your efforts, all you get are a set of eyes judging you, wondering what next act of stupidity they should expect from you. 

You see them treading carefully on matters that concern you. Everyone seems very careful not to offend you. You enjoy the attention and the special feeling for a moment only to suddenly have a change in mood where you no longer trust the motive for their action. Are they truly being careful not to hurt your feelings because they love you or because they just think you are trouble? Without knowing it, you assume that they have ulterior motives for their actions. They have something else in mind otherwise they wouldn’t be so nice, you say to yourself. Images are conjured up in your head that portrays your feeling as you believe they are in your mind. The images look so real that you struggle within yourself to deny that they are real events, yet they seem real enough. Finally, you cave in, you react to the conjured-up images in your head. Sometimes, it is because you decide to act first and beat them in their game, so you lash out disproportionately in a manner reserved only for the worst offenders who have done massive physical and emotional harm to you.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Serena Simonetti
Translation in progress. Translated by Bruna Hendrix
Already translated. Translated by Virginia Elizabeth

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
