Leadership: Better Decision Making Skills, Improved Persuasion And Personal Growth by Darren Western

Better Decision Making Skills, Improved Persuasion And Personal Growth

Leadership: better decision making skills, improved persuasion and personal growth


Leadership qualities, styles, and characteristics have been studied and debated for centuries. How do I know what leadership style I most follow? What are the fifteen willing characteristics of effective leadership? Finding the leader in you will help identify the leader in others, as well as make you more successful. The end result is always to exceed and excel. Management skills are critical but not enough to provide excellence. Excellence demands great leadership. This guide helps you find that excellence and qualities in being a successful leader.

Before you can become a good supervisor or a manager you must learn to be a leader. Leadership is the first step to becoming someone who can accomplish goals by managing people. That is exactly what Leadership: The First Step is all about. It provides guidelines and tips for the starting supervisor or manager –tips that will enable them to not only manage but to lead people and become successful. It includes chapters and sections on discipline, organization, teaching, setting a good personal example, good work habits, safety, security, staff meetings and much, much more.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: leadership, decision making, development, influence, principles, skills, styles, tips, management, business, Negotiation, Persuasion, Communication, goals, habits, personal growth, motivate, motivation

Word Count: 4687

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Sample text:

In your own understanding, what is leadership? If you say leadership is being able to command people, you are partially right. Leaders command people. If you say it is about managing people, then again you are partially right. Leaders, indeed manage people. If you say leadership means having the ability to lead people, then you are still right. Leaders are called so because they truly lead other people. All these definitions are right but not entirely right. Why? Because all these definitions are centered to the person who is leading and does not involve others, the staff or the members of the team.

True leadership means being able to share your life with the people you are leading. A leader who does not involve his members when it comes to planning is not a good leader. A leader who does things alone and does not collaborate is a leader but not a good one. A leader who can manage his team members without allowing them to do what can make them happy does not possess strong leadership skills. Everyone can be a leader but not all can be a great one.

Many people want to be the one who leads. Why? Because many people want to be heard. We all want to be always right, to be one people would listen to, and the one people would confide to. But, being a leader does not just stop on being able to lead. Leadership is that ability to create a vision with your team, bringing people together who share the same vision with you, and bringing that vision into life. It’s not about changing people’s opinion and trying to manipulate other’s lives, it’s about practicing what you preach. People who see you doing what you say would see you as someone who is influential and inspiring. Take action, instead of just merely talking. That is what a great leader does.

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Already translated. Translated by M. D.
Already translated. Translated by Filippo Iuliani
Already translated. Translated by Alessandra Campos
Already translated. Translated by Jose Granados

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