After a devastating tragedy, Charlotte Duncan has only one goal...
... And that is to end her life. Seeing no hope of escape from the nightmare her life has become, Charlotte relocates to the small town of Puckhaber Falls. But the quick and unexpected kindness of the residents puts pause to her plans, and one day, a fateful accident introduces her to Lucas Tine.
Charlotte finds herself drawn to the mysterious stranger for reasons she can’t understand. As time passes, she uncovers Lucas’s ancient past—and reveals secrets of her own.
The first book in the Nememiah Chronicles, Knowledge Revealed is a compelling story for urban fantasy and paranormal romance fans alike.
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Moving into my new residence took a remarkably short period – my needs were few, my possession crammed in the back of my '68 Volkswagen Beetle. A duffel bag contained my wardrobe in its entirety, consisting of faded denim jeans, t-shirts, and sweaters. I'd never been particularly fashion conscious and this lack of awareness had increased exponentially in recent months; to the point where I threw on clothes each day with little regard for what I was wearing. I hadn't glanced at a mirror for months – I didn't care what I looked like or how other people perceived me.
A second bag contained my meager linen supplies; a couple of tea towels, two bath towels, a mat for the bathroom floor. There were no sheets, my only bedding requirements being a sleeping bag and a pillow. I never slept a lot anyway.
One box was unpacked in the kitchen - containing a saucepan, a frying pan, and a battered old kettle. My eating utensils – a fork, a spoon, and a knife. And of course, a can opener. My meals consisted mainly of cans, which could be opened, thrown into a saucepan, and heated. I owned one plate, one bowl and a mug. There'd never been a need for more than that in my travels, as I didn't entertain and never invited visitors to my latest residence.
My bedroom took minutes to arrange – by the time I'd assembled the camp stretcher, thrown a sleeping bag and pillow on top of it, and tipped the empty box from the kitchen upside down to perform as a bedside table, I was done. My favorite books – Wuthering Heights, A Tale of Two Cities, Jane Eyre and a compendium of William Shakespeare – were placed on top of the box for the nights when sleep too often eluded me.