Ketogenic diet: Ultimate Keto Diet Recipes for Beginners Delicious Ketogenic Diet Meals by Victor Sloan

(77b) Ultimate Keto Diet Recipes for Beginners Delicious Ketogenic Diet Meals to Lose Weight

Ketogenic diet: ultimate keto diet recipes for beginners delicious ketogenic diet meals


You will also find out how to store the ketogenic meals you create in safe to use containers, so the food will be safe to eat, not spoil and will taste great when you reheat it.

Throughout the book you will find ways you can adjust your diet to work with your body type, lifestyle and eating habits. You will find easy to read charts of excellent foods you can eat. There are also charts for what to avoid eating and some quick helpful tips. Just take a look at the sample daily menu at different calorie levels and you will be amazed what you can eat and still lose weight.

Keto meal prep is the magic key for achieving your keto diet goals, because with it you can stick to a ketogenic diet more easily and finally achieve your health goals once and for all.

Get this book today.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 7664

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Sample text:

The ketogenic diet enables the body to enter what is called a state of “ketosis”. This is a metabolic state wherein the body uses ketones as energy instead of glucose. Ketones come from the burning of fats, and they are considered to be a lot more stable as an energy source compared to glucose.

The body, however, does not readily enter a state of ketosis once a person starts on the keto diet. The process may take anywhere from three days up to a week. Once the body is in ketosis, it will effectively use fats as energy and not carbohydrates. This would include the fat being eaten, as well as the fat that has already been stored.

However, it has long been put in the minds of people that eating fat is bad. This is something that has to be corrected. Fats are an essential part of the diet, as they help to do the following: produce essential fatty acids, make the skin soft, and allow the delivery of fat-soluble vitamins. Fats are also an amazing source of fuel. As with most things, there are two kinds of fat: the good and the bad.

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