Ketogenic diet: Time Saving Keto Diet Recipes for Beginners Lose Weight by Casey Deen

(115b) Time Saving Keto Diet Recipes for Beginners Lose Weight

Ketogenic diet:  time saving keto diet recipes for beginners lose weight


The ketogenic diet has become very popular nowadays. Its principle is based on the minimum carbohydrates intake and a large fat intake per day. Thanks to this diet your body will constantly be in the stage of ketosis. This is a natural process when the body digests food much more slowly than it usually does. A similar state of the body experiences in the survival mode. 

Discover what the link between this diet and cancer treatments are. Can this diet really help to cure cancer? Within the past twenty years, doctors have once again been recommending the ketogenic diet for people who are suffering from serious medical conditions with effective results. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 18522

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Sample text:

A ketogenic diet also known as a keto diet is essentially a very low-carb diet. This pushes your body to use fat as its main energy source turning it into a super efficient fat-burning machine. This clever bit of biochemistry is what the diet is based on. The diet has been found by many papers to have some potential benefits, to name a few weight loss, better cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) health and increased athletic performance. However, like anything that works some initial side effects can occur.

In many ways a strict ketogenic diet has many similarities and works in similar ways to other diets that encourage low-carbs such as Atkins or low carb, high fat (LCHF). However, unlike the ketogenic diet, those diets tend to be ketogenic more by accident than by purpose. The ketogenic diet is much more focused and unlike the examples named above the diet also restrict protein consumption.  

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