Ketogenic diet: The Ultimate Keto Meal Prep Guide to Make Delicious and Easy Ketogenic Recipes by Lazara Katie

(135b) The Ultimate Keto Meal Prep Guide to Make Delicious and Easy Ketogenic Recipes

Ketogenic diet: the ultimate keto meal prep guide to make delicious and easy ketogenic recipes


The king of diets, The Keto Diet Secrets will ensure that you lose weight, feel better, look better, have more energy, gain a boosted sex drive and also prevent disease by boosting your immune system in a healthy and delicious way! 

Well, if you fall under this category, you have a reason to smile now because of this book. You are about to discover a diet you may just fall in love with. The bests of ketogenic recipes – 80 of them – are compiled in this book, so you may experiment with them and see if they are what you need.

Have you ever wondered if you could shed some weight and return to that excellent physique you ever desired? What about becoming free from those unhealthy conditions that have deprived you of eating a healthier meal, trimming your waistline and losing weight. Starting the ketogenic diet is not as simple as it may sound but equipping you with right guide simplifies everything, and that is what this book gives you: The Complete Ketogenic Diet Lifestyle For Beginners

Get this book today.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet

Word Count: 24003

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Sample text:

Any carbohydrates retard the reaching of the ketosis. But following the strength ketogenic diet, you can eat a small amount of carbohydrates before the training. It keeps your body muscular. 

You should multiply each kilogram of your weight by 0,5 to calculate the amount of carbohydrates which you need before the training. For example, a person weighs 90 kg, so he can eat 45 grams of carbohydrates a couple of hours before the training. If he wants to eat rice, then he needs to calculate that a full glass of dry rice (before cooking) contains about 150 grams of carbohydrates. So, he can eat no more than 1/3 of glass, which is the upper limit. A higher amount of carbohydrates before the training will undoubtedly change the ketosis. It is better to eat half the size serving than one time more.

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