ketogenic diet: The Step by Step Guide to Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss by Helen Brighton

(35b) The Step by Step Guide to Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: the step by step guide to ketogenic diet for weight loss


The ketogenic diet is currently drawing mass appeal. Studies have shown this diet can aid with overall metabolic health, including weight loss, lipid profiles, glucose levels, and insulin sensitivity and could stave off feelings of hunger.

The principle behind this diet is to simply restrict carbohydrate intake, and control glucose concentration in your blood. 

The first section of this book describes the physiology of how the ketogenic diet works. When you understand the underlying mechanisms of human nutrition related to fat metabolism, especially the role of insulin, you can see how other diets that appear radically different from the ketogenic diet such as a the slow-carb diet, accomplish similar goals in different ways.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 6903

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Sample text:

A lot of people who have tried Ketogenic diet in the past have only managed to go halfway with it and for some reasons, they are unable to continue dieting and so they do not achieve the desired results. This happens even when they know the right foods to eat and the foods to avoid so that the diet will work in their favor.

That is why you should always ensure that the diet is really working for you before you can go on with it for long so that you can adjust accordingly. There are ways to find this out:

Do not concentrate so much on weight loss because you may be burning a lot of fats everyday only that you do not realize it. If you concentrate so much on weight loss, you may not see results as soon as you expected, and this could discourage you from continuing with the diet plan.


Ensure that you are cutting out enough carbs in a day. You may not be able to cut out so much on the first day but as the days go by, you should be able to reduce the amount of carbohydrates that you are taking. Do not cut out so many carbohydrates at once, too, as this could be damaging to your body. The safest thing to do is to talk to your doctor first so that you can determine how much carbohydrates you can cut out at first and how to go on with the diet in order to get the results you are aiming at.

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