ketogenic Diet: The Simply and Easy Guide to Low Carb for Weight Loss by Michael Hanna

(396) The Simply and Easy Guide to Low Carb for Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: the simply and easy guide to low carb for weight loss


This book will give you a good basic understanding of ketogenic dieting and then give you a guided  week meal plan that is suited to your needs and is easy to follow. Meals in this book are very creative and will offer a lot of variety which is very important to keep your diet interesting and that way more sustainable. 

Are you struggling with weight loss? Do you want to look leaner, more attractive and filled with energy? Do you want a proven way to lose weight? Then this Ketogenic Diet for Beginners book is for you. No Ketogenic Diet meal plan can ever be successful unless you have a proper information for your diet. In this guide, you'll get all the essentials you will need to lose weight.

The hardest party of any diet is maintaining the discipline required to keep going. A big part of that comes down to becoming bored with eating the same food every day and losing interest.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 10007

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Sample text:

Simple! Or…maybe not so simple.

Ketosis brings on a steady flow of ketones to your brain. Remember, when on a keto diet, your blood sugars are at a low. Pair low blood sugars and a constant flow of ketones to your brain and the result is increased focus and concentration (over longer periods).

Some sources will tell you that eating carbs contributes to better brain function. That’s not a lie per se — it’s all a matter of context. Heavy carb intake CAN assist with mental performance and concentration, but a keto diet negates the need for excess carbs in order to achieve that.


Greater Physical Endurance

If you’re looking to up your physical endurance, a keto diet MAY be your best bet. How does it supply us with this extra energy? By giving you access to your fat stores. Carbohydrates (within the body) only last for a few hours of rigorous exercise.

As for the fat stores — they carry enough energy for days and weeks — even months.

Seeing as most people are accustomed to burning carbohydrates these days — this makes it harder to access the fat stores, which means they can’t supply your brain. Consequently, some of us find ourselves having to eat before, during and after extensive exercise.

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