Ketogenic diet: The Ketogenic Diet Fast & Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Weight Loss by David Denton

(165b) The Ketogenic Diet Fast & Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes for Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: the ketogenic diet fast & easy ketogenic diet recipes for weight loss


The best part about this diet is that you can eat fat to lose fat. In case you have a sedentary lifestyle, you will be delighted to know about Ketogenic diet. With almost no restrictions on fatty foods, it is great fun to follow the new regime. However, Ketogenic places a few restrictions on eating carbohydrates, which may make you feel uneasy for a while, but you can recover from the discomfort in just a couple of weeks. Then, your body starts losing weight quickly.

Trying to determine what to eat, changing up the pantry and fridge, buying suitable foods as well as learning to prepare new meals can be quite frustrating. However, thanks to this book, your ketogenic journey to a healthier and happier you will be made much easier!

These days it seems like there are countless different diet plans on the market, each just offering a different way to limit your calories in an effort to lose weight. The reason all of these diets fail is that they are solving the wrong problem.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5255

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Sample text:

Glow foods give you nutrients and vitamins that you need for optimal health. Grow foods involve protein. Protein is required for tissue synthesis. You need protein to grow your muscle mass. Go foods, on the other hand, give you energy. These are foods that are high in starch, sugar, and carbohydrates.


With ketosis, your focus is to eat more foods that help you grow and reduce Go foods. The big difference between the Paleo, Atkins, and South Beach diets is the specific spin they put on the ketogenic process. They all share ketosis, but they have varying levels of grains, sugar, carbs, and daily inputs. They also vary based upon the types of animal protein they allow. In short, they impose varying rules that dictate the amount and kind of foods you eat.


This book spells out a purely Ketogenic Diet. My focus is on how to trigger ketosis as efficiently as possible. Before I begin, I'd like to share my personal story.


I've always struggled with my weight ever since high school. It seems that no matter what diet I tried, I could not get rid of the extra 50 pounds I was saddled with. Now, don’t get me wrong. I would try diet after diet and supplement after supplement, and they would work. I can't deny that for a certain amount of time, I will lose weight. Maybe it's 10 pounds here, 20 pounds there.


What's really frustrating about this whole process is that eventually my appetite would get the better of me and I would regain all the weight that I lost. The secret to successful dieting is not losing weight. Most diets work on some level. They will help you lose pounds here and there, but your objective is to lose weight and keep it off.

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