Ketogenic Diet: The Complete Guide to Losing Weight Fast & Easy Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan by Gabriel Bourdain

(224) The Complete Guide to Losing Weight Fast & Easy Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan

Ketogenic diet: the complete guide to losing weight fast & easy ketogenic diet meal plan


This book contains weeks of recipes for those who are brand new to the ketogenic diet, or for experienced ketogenic dieters who want to step up their kitchen game. Try some of the award winning low carb recipes in this book and you will be a ketogenic convert for life!

The ketogenic diet is one of the most proven and effective diets for losing weight. The keto diet is based on consuming foods that are mainly high in fat and low in carbohydrates. This combination has been shown to increase the fat burned by your body, and is overall a very effective weight loss diet. 

This book is a beginners guide to ketogenic. It does not only have the answer to what Ketogenic (or Keto, in short) is all about, but as beginners, we want a guide to our diet. Believe me, as a health advocate, it’s a challenge to start because, at times, we don’t know where to even start. Ketogenic Diet for Beginners delivers simple meal plans and, not only that, it packs beneficial information just for you.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 22053

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Sample text:

The Keto diet is named and based essentially on the concept of “Ketosis”. Ketosis is a natural body process, in which the system produces little fat molecules called “ketones”. These molecules act as an alternative source of fuel on the body, in place of carbs and sugar, whenever the latter aren’t present or are in very short amounts. 

  When you eat something rich in carbs or sugar, your system will react by producing high amounts of insulin and glucose (blood sugar). Glucose, in this case, is utilized directly by the system to produce short-term energy while insulin is needed to metabolize that glucose and convert it into energy. The problem here is though that the system can only produce temporary spikes in energy as blood glucose isn’t sustainable enough to produce energy long-term. And not only this, repeat consumption of carbs and sugar can trigger a series of inflammatory responses within the system which lead to all kinds of problems--from weight gain to diabetes and heart problems. 

  This is where Ketones can be used as an alternative fuel to energize your system. Ketones are only released by your system through the liver whenever you eat a diet rich in protein and healthy fats and low on carbs and sugar. And contrary to consuming carbs and sugar,

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