Ketogenic diet: The Complete Guide for Beginners to Start Ketogenic and Change Your Life by Alynda Anderson

(128b) The Complete Guide for Beginners to Start Ketogenic and Change Your Life

Ketogenic diet: the complete guide for beginners to start ketogenic and change your life


Are you struggling with weight loss? Are you tired of diets that are not tasty at all, making you hate every time you have to eat? Do you want to learn new healthy recipes that won’t add to your weight and also keep you fit? This book is exactly what you need!

This Ketogenic Cookbook: Quick And Easy Ketogenic Diet Recipes you can easily prepare is an excellent guide to those who want to lose weight and get slim over the small period of time.

In today’s world where one’s figure is the first thing that represents him or her, one should take care extra care of it not only because of the impression that it leaves on others but also because of the sake of having healthy and quality wise excellent life.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 26678

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Sample text:

To know how the keto diet works, it helps to have a basic understanding of how your body uses food for energy. It’s a complicated process which has remained distinctly unchanged throughout the years. Let’s start by differentiating between atoms and molecules. 

Atoms are the smallest identifiable units of an element. The combination of protons, neutrons, and electrons defines the atom's physical and nuclear properties. Think of atoms as individual parts used to build a house – that is, nails, insulation, boards and such. Each one is physical and has properties that are distinct from each other, but all are necessary for a substantial house.

Molecules are composed of two or more atoms. Despite this, molecules do not represent the nature of the atoms they are composed of. For example, Na (sodium) is a silvery metal that reacts violently with water. As in it goes ‘boom.’ On the opposite side of the Periodic table, we have Cl, chlorine, which can cause fatal damage to your respiratory system. When combined, the sodium ion and chlorine anion form table salt, NaCl. 

And lastly, table salt doesn’t explode or cause your lungs to blister until you drown in your own blood. Sure, table salt is dangerous in too high a quantity, but the amount people usually consume it, salt is harmless. The point being is that atoms and molecules are very different. Think of molecules as parts to a house, such as a wall or a frame for a window.

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