Ketogenic diet: The complate guide to keto diet plan for bignners by Karen Wayne

(95b) The complate guide to keto diet plan for bignners

Ketogenic diet: the  complate guide to keto diet plan for bignners


The ketogenic diet is named from the process of “ketosis,” which is when the body begins to burn fat in the form of ketones instead of carbs for energy. Fat is a much more efficient source of fuel than carbs - especially the refined carbs that most of our diets rely on - and allows for faster weight loss. 

If you’ve been thinking of trying keto, then this book will give you practical step-by-step instructions on the best way to begin. You'll also discover all the major mistakes other people make when they first start keto so that you can bypass them and be on your way to enjoying all the benefits of this diet. 

The way it works means that you can eat lots of the food you love, while still shedding the weight you don’t want. The benefits of ketosis have been repeatedly and unshakably proven and they include faster weight loss, increased mental focus and energy, decreased cholesterol and blood pressure, even heathier skin.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 8306

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Sample text:

With a bit of preparation, you can easily prepare freezer meals for a Keto Diet. After about a year of being on the Keto diet, I left my job to begin the life of an entrepreneur. Needless to say, this obviously cut into the amount of free time I had. To maintain my Keto diet routine, I would spend roughly 3-4 hours each Sunday evening in the kitchen preparing my lunches and dinners ahead of time. I would then put those Keto meals into glass Tupperware and put them in the freezer. Almost all Keto meals can easily be frozen for weeks or months. This means that you simply have to take them out of the freezer, but in the defroster for a few minutes, and then microwave them or heat them up over the stove. 

If you don´t have room in your freezer, you can also prepare Keto-friendly foods in advance and store them in the refrigerator. For example, you can easily bake or sauté all of your meat products in advance, and leave them covered in the refrigerator to simply heat up in a bit of olive oil or ghee butter. 

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