Ketogenic diet: Step-By-Step Guide to Losing the Weight to Increase Energy and Mental Focus by Jessica Oliver

(92b) Step-By-Step Guide to Losing the Weight to Increase Energy and Mental Focus

Ketogenic diet: step-by-step guide to losing the weight to increase energy and mental focus


Do you want to lose weight? Perhaps you know a loved one who is undergoing health difficulties. Following a ketogenic diet may help with weight loss and provide relief for numerous health symptoms. Find out more about how this simple lifestyle can benefit a wide range of ailments and enable you to stay slim in the long-term.

The body can no longer produce large amounts of glucose when you are on a low-carb diet, so it turns to ketones instead to keep up with the supply of energy that your system needs. 

The diet has been widely accepted as the one diet that’s ideal for people desiring to lose weight, athletes and fitness enthusiasts, patients of different kinds of diseases and in general, everyone who wants to live a healthy life.
With this book therefore, I will take you through the Ketogenic diet, including all the tips and best recipes in it that you need to know - for effective weight loss and healthy living. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 7777

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Sample text:

A ketogenic diet allows you to eat to eat foods you would normally want to eat until you are completely full.


Most other diets involve cutting down on these foods which may be fatty. A ketogenic diet therefore deals with the issue of the fear of hunger while on diet more efficiently. It involves cutting down on all calories from carbohydrates and refined sugars while allowing you to have your fill of proteins and fat foods, most of which are quite tasty and satiating.


Many people find restricting calories through this diet quite easy as it leaves you 2000+ calories to eat from proteins and fats, which is quite a lot of food to feed on. This ensures you never have to stay hungry while you are on the ketogenic diet.


The working of the ketogenic diet is also a reason why it is preferred. Being on this diet limits the amount of insulin produced, which is often the reason why we feel hungry.


Insulin is produced by the body to deal with the high sugar or glucose levels within our body. A ketogenic diet sufficiently limits the glucose levels within your blood systems by cutting down on the carbohydrate intake. This ensure that you stay satisfied for a longer period of time, effectively limiting your hunger and even the amount of food you end up consuming in a single day.

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