Ketogenic Diet: Quick, Easy & Healthy Ketosis Diets To weight loss by Valentin Spencer

(382) Quick, Easy & Healthy Ketosis Diets To weight loss

Ketogenic diet: quick, easy & healthy ketosis diets to weight loss


This easy to follow guide on the Ketogenic Diet enables readers to understand the 
foods they need to include, and the one’s they need to avoid, for this modernized diet 
program. It is also helpful for incorporating the weight loss ideal as its.

Are you ready to turn your body into a lean, fat-burning machine? Intermittent fasting is the easiest thing you can do to improve your health on a cellular level and show off those results on the outside, too. Your body was designed to eat good foods and be the attractive person you've always dreamed of being. The problem is that we get caught up in eating too much junk food too often

Without mincing words, this book is the answer to every question and doubt you might have nursed for days, weeks, months or even years. The Ketogenic diet just got a bit more interesting with this book in your hands.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5081

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Sample text:

- Most of what determines how ketogenic a diet is how much carbohydrate is eaten, as well the individual's own metabolism and activity level. A diet of less than 50 or 60 grams of net (effective) carbohydrate per day is generally ketogenic. However, athletes and people with healthy metabolisms may be able to eat 100 or more grams of net carbohydrate in a day and maintain a good level of ketosis, while an older sedentary person with Type 2 diabetes may have to eat less than 30 net grams to achieve the same level.

Protein - When people first reduce carbohydrates in their diets, it doesn't seem as though the amount of protein they eat is as important to ketosis as it often becomes later on. For example, people on the Atkins diet often eat fairly large amounts of protein in the early stages and remain in ketosis. However, over time some (perhaps most) people need to be more careful about the amount of protein they eat as (anecdotally) the bodies of many people seem to "get better" at converting protein into glucose . At that point, each individual needs to experiment to see if too much protein is throwing them out of ketosis and adjust as necessary.

Fat - Most of the calories in a ketogenic diet come from fat, which is used for energy. The exact amount of fat a person needs to eat will depend on carbohydrate and protein intake, how many calories they use during the day, and whether they are losing weight (using their body fat for energy).

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