Ketogenic diet: Quick and Easy to Cook Recipes for Weight Loss by Jared Proerisbe

(110b) Quick and Easy to Cook Recipes for Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: quick and easy to cook recipes for weight loss


The Ketogenic Diet has been making recent headlines since it came back to popularity as an effective way to lose weight, improve overall health, and have a positive impact on a number of conditions such as epilepsy, heart disease, and the management of cholesterol. 

The ketogenic diet allows the body to switch fats into the main energy source, using ketosis. In this way, the burning of fats occurs faster and in a more continuous way, allowing you to lose weight and enjoy a fit body permanently and naturally without having to starve or stop enjoying your food.

Many people believe that to have a great physique requires starving or doing strenuous exercise, believing that in this way they will not need to worry about their diet. Most of these wrong and preconceived assumptions have to do with the generalized myths present in today’s society.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 14563

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Sample text:

One of the downsides of following a diet rich in carbohydrates is the fact that you will have inconsistent energy levels. This is because your body can only store so much glucose as glycogen in your body. One way or the other you will need to refuel your energy and that creates a scenario of inconsistent energy levels.

This all changes when you follow a ketogenic diet. As you now know when you are in ketosis, your body runs on stored fat, which is in plenty in your body. This abundant supply of fat is what gives you stable energy levels in your body that never runs out. 

As you can see, the ketogenic diet is a very beneficial diet that not only improves your health but also protects you from illnesses. That is what makes it ideal.

Let us now break it down further, and learn how to follow the ketogenic diet.

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Translation in progress. Translated by Khadidja Campos

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