Ketogenic Diet: Ketogenic Diet Easy Meal Plan for Weight Loss in 1 Week by Juliette Hansh

(284) Ketogenic Diet Easy Meal Plan for Weight Loss in 1 Week

Ketogenic diet: ketogenic diet easy meal plan for weight loss in 1 week


There are various ways to learn how to prepare healthy and delicious food for everyone to share. However, if you are not yet expert in so many ways, you really need to rely on something since it’s the best way to do the thing. Get on this Ketogenic Pressure Cooker Recipes book, you can use and select any kind of recipe you want. Just like many recipe books in the market, this book is widely available at most bookstores or if you want to make things easy.

You can drop unwanted pounds, burn fat, gain more energy, and look your best ever. The best part? It's not one of those diets that are impossible to follow. Instead of eating low carb for days this plan is carb cycling. This allows you to enjoy your weekends and still lose weight. 

 Every fat bomb is a perfect source of vitality during your daily routine. Moreover, the keto fat bomb recipes will provide you with a healthy source of energy that will allow you to live your life to the fullest each day while staying on a low-carb keto diet and consuming healthy fats!

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 15490

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Sample text:

As you should be aware by now, there is a direct link between carb intake and weight or fat gain. Carbohydrates are digested or broken down into glucose where a significant portion of the glucose is used to fuel bodily functions. In cases where you consume more carbohydrates than the body actually requires, the glucose is converted into glycogen then stored in the liver. And if there is still excess glucose available in the bloodstream, the excess is converted into fatty acids and stored in adipose tissues. So while high carbs foods such as wheat or legumes may serve to cause fat gain, low carb diet does the opposite. Eating a low-carb Keto diet helps deplete stored glucose and triggers ketosis process where fats are metabolized into ketones. These energy molecules are utilized by the brain and other major organs and the excess ketones are released into the urine. Healthy fats are therefore better for weight loss compared to the carb or starchy foods; for two main reasons: 

First, as opposed to processed snacks and other high carbohydrate foods, eating fat makes you eat less due to the effective satiating effect it possesses.

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