ketogenic Diet: Easy Quick and Delicious Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss by Jason McGee

(378) Easy Quick and Delicious Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: easy quick and delicious ketogenic diet for weight loss


You have probably heard it all before and think 'how can another diet do all of these things?' Well, this diet is unlike any other diet because there are proven facts and pure science around the Keto Diet that has improved health and provided weight loss for many people around the world. How is this achieved? By attaining ketosis and this book will show you how! 

It is not unusual to hear people ask questions whenever a 'new' diet gains popularity. This is especially so if it is mentioned in the same sentence as another popular diet. For instance, the paleo diet and the ketogenic diet are undoubtedly among the most popular diets the world over.

To help provide answers to those questions and further educate on what the diet is, we designed this simple day meal plan to slowly introduce you to the ketogenic lifestyle. Because choosing to go Keto is not merely a diet change. It will affect many of your choices.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5206

Sales info:

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Sample text:

The model used to solve problems in mathematics states that you should start with the known in order to know the unknown. In this section of the guide, we are going to use the same model to give you a better understanding of how the Ketogenic Diet really works.

Many people have grown accustomed to weight loss diets largely different from the diet advocated for in this book. Before we start to look at how the Ketogenic Diet works, we need to understand conventional diets and understand their effect on your body. By doing so, you will then understand why adopting the Ketogenic Diet is the best option.

Let us look at how conventional diets work.

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