Ketogenic diet: Delicious and Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes to Weight Loss by Connor Gorsky

(111b) Delicious and Healthy Ketogenic Diet Recipes to Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: delicious and healthy ketogenic diet recipes to weight loss


This book is primarily intended to be an eye opener in helping you to understand those things you need to avoid when you decide to follow this particular diet. Get ready to discover the hidden facts about the Ketogenic Diet today, and you will be on the right track for managing your weight through dieting!

Your Guide to Weight Loss and Healthy Living makes starting and following a Keto or Plant-based diet simple and easy to follow. Not only does it explain in detail how to effectively follow these diets, but it explores how to successfully pair these diets with exercise and other dieting techniques.

Get this book today.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 7589

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Sample text:

Before you get to know how you can prepare a delicious dessert, it is very important for you as a beginner to ask yourself one important question. Is dessert good for your health?

In most cases, dessert is normally seen as an unhealthy meal and for good reasons I might add. One of the good reasons why dessert is considered unhealthy is because majority of desserts are high in fat, sugar, processed carbohydrates and calories, which are factors that promote weight gain and the illnesses that comes with it such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attacks. Therefore, even as you take the bold step of getting started on the ketogenic diet, you may feel stuck because you cannot eat such desserts; hence, the need to be creative.As a dessert lover that is not easy to hear but there is actually a silver lining. 

So back to the question that is the topic of this chapter. Is dessert good for your health?

The answer is yes and no. 

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