Ketogenic diet: Best Quick and Easy Recipes for Weight Loss by Thomas Shermann

(131b) Best Quick and Easy Recipes for Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: best quick and easy recipes for weight loss

Ketogenic diet for beginners, instant pot, keto recipes, low carb, paleo
and all related information contained in this extraordinary and newest
guide. This is the newest, latest and greatest book written on keto; a
ketogenic diet cookbook, a healthy cookbook, or better yet, a healthy
living cookbook, for healthy lifestyle and weight loss.

Ketogenic diet for beginners, instant pot, keto recipes, low carb, paleo
and all related information contained in this extraordinary and newest
guide. This is the newest, latest and greatest book written on keto; a
ketogenic diet cookbook, a healthy cookbook, or better yet, a healthy
living cookbook, for healthy lifestyle and weight loss.

Scroll up to buy your copy today!


Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 30827

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Sample text:

It is important to take medical advice before you start a Ketogenic diet for weight loss.

Benefits of being in Ketosis: Even if an individual is in this metabolic state of ketosis for a short period, there are benefits.

The body uses fats for its fuel, which is otherwise not used on a high carbohydrate diet.
Once you are in a state of ketosis, the body needs no Ketones and they are excreted through urine. This means that the fat is being excreted through urine.
We assume that you are consuming sufficient calories and adequate quantities of proteins.  There is no need for the proteins to oxidize to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis because of the large quantities of fat.
You do not feel hungry all the time as you usually feel while consuming a high carbohydrate diet.
It causes the insulin levels to be low. Found helpful in type 2 diabetes.
Lot of fat lost is from the abdominal area, which is harmful fat. This harmful fat and can cause metabolic problems in the body.
Triglyceride levels were found to be lower. This can increase the good cholesterol levels and can reduce the bad cholesterol levels.
Helps epileptic patients to a great extent.

The benefits of being in the metabolic state of ketosis are more than the risks; the risks are mentioned below.

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