I've Arrived! Well, Sort Of! by Dr. Rosie Kuhn

101 Discoveries and Revelations Stumbled Upon While on the Sacred Path to Who Knows Where

While on the Sacred path, each of us only stumble upon those revelations and discoveries meant to bring us through to our own unique spiritual evolution.

I've arrived! well, sort of!

The path to enlightened living is not drawn out right in front of us. It does not miraculously appear overnight, or after one exclusive spiritual realization. Psychologist and Transformational Coach, Dr. Rosie Kuhn’s path is no different. Her path began with a commitment to explore the outer fringe of thriving, and it ends, who knows where. As Dr.Rosie moves toward enlightenment, many discoveries and revelations have stopped her in her tracks. Only through deep conviction, training, and practice is she able to align herself with her highest truth. Through storytelling her own experiences, Dr. Rosie teaches how exercising and experimenting with incremental leaps of faith can allow for the extraordinary to occur. Not only for her, but for you too.

Genre: SELF-HELP / Spiritual

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational

Language: English

Keywords: Spirituality, Spiritual Path, Transformation, Miracles, Spiritual Integration, Recovery, Transformational Coaching

Word Count: 12575

Sales info:

This book just launched on October 25th. No book sales or ranking to provide

Sample text:

My experience is that we’ve chosen to see ourselves that way, so that we can remain tethered to the world as we see it to be. Let me explain.

Shakespeare said it best, “All the world’s a stage, and men and women merely players.” 

If I only know myself as a character in a play, and I don’t know who I am when I’m not playing that role, without the identity as that character, then, well, I don’t know who I am. Without a sense of who I am I get anxious, fearful and perhaps fragmented. So, I cling to the character and identity I know how to be. And, I hope that someday I’ll figure out how to be the me I know I truly am.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Asma Elferkouss
Already translated. Translated by Mario Di Motta
Author review:
Mario was great!
Prompt, easy to communicate and very patient, as I had challenges getting the cover completed in a timely manner! I hope that we will be working together again on another project! Thank you Mario!
Already translated. Translated by André Weber
Already translated. Translated by Daniela Negrete Mtz

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
