Intermittent Fasting: The Ultimate Guide to intermittent fasting Diet for Weight Loss by Preston Ryan

(13b) The Ultimate Guide to intermittent fasting Diet for Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting: the ultimate guide to intermittent fasting diet for weight loss

Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular diets out there now a day and why would not it be? People enjoy freedom and unlike every other diet, intermittent fasting offers freedom on what to eat and when to eat. Most diets even have the need of counting calories, but intermittent fasting in general does not require you to count calories.

Intermittent fasting is basically fasting, eating and then fasting again. There are different types of intermittent fasting methods are available. These methods are designed in such a way that everyone can try them. Starting should always be slow and steady, so when you are picking any method, make sure not to challenge yourself too hard at the very beginning. 

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: Intermittent fasting cookbook, intermittent fasting for beginners, intermittent fasting, paloe die, vegan diet, low carb diet, low carb cookbook, keto diet

Word Count: 6008

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Sample text:


8 strips cooked crispy bacon, crumbled

1 cup cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup butter

4 tsp. bacon fat

4 Tbsp. coconut oil

1/4 cup Splenda to taste



1.In a microwave dish, combine all ingredients and melt slowly in the microwave until smooth. Set aside some crumbled bacon,

2.Pour into a dish or pan and place in the freezer until firm, about 30 minutes.

Before serving, remove from freezer, sprinkle with more crumbled bacon, slice 

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Translation in progress. Translated by Geisha Forsith

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