I'm Sorry, You are Not a Pick-Up Artist: A Challenge Your Skill Manual for Men by Dr. Ethan Gregory

A dating manual to date like a gentleman

I'm sorry, you are not a pick-up artist: a challenge your skill manual for men

When a man wants to boost their confidence and get better results with women, we look for help from self proclaimed “pick-up artists”. With their gimmicks and code names, they make it seem like you can’t lose. The problem is that you are not a pick-up artist, and a gentleman would not need to seek validation from naive women
I’m Sorry, You are Not a Pick-up Artist presents you with choices that highlight an important point in meeting a new partner, and you will have to test your current beliefs to see how the outcome influences your success.
The Ethan Gregory Approach is a combination of confidence, preparation, and accountability. You will learn why the rules and standards that men typically use can set you up for failure. Embrace the EGA and see your life open up to new partners and new possibilities.
If you liked Choose Your Own Adventure books then you will love this book! The make your choice aspect of the book adds an element of fun to the instruction that other dating books don’t have.
Let’s learn how to communicate like a grown-up artist, not pick-up artist, and start finding genuine partners. There are many quality women waiting for you to see them as their potential partner, let Dr. G help you succeed with the women in your life.
Buy this book and others at the official Dr. Ethan Gregory store, and sign up for his weekly newsletter by visiting drethangregory.com

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / General

Language: English


Word Count: 18,300

Sales info:

minimal so far. I am ranking in the 100,000 range for kindle, and 1,000,000 for the softcover.

Sample text:

It’s great to see you decided to take up the challenge. You are going to be experiencing a lot of new things. Before we get going, I need to know what you are bringing along with you. I see you have deodorant, underwear, two pairs of shoes and a belt, that’s all well and good. If this isn’t your first trip into enemy territory, you also have some castaways hiding in your pack. You have that emotional baggage from your previous relationships weighing you down. Before we go into the jungle, we are going to have to lighten your load a bit. Do you have a current partner? When was your last relationship? Put her name here____________.

Obviously you liked something about her, and were able to court her, knock her up; however you got her, you got her. What you have to do now is to try to overcome the negative feelings she created in you, thinking that you are not worthy of happiness with someone else. I too have had that emotional baggage, and I used to think that I didn’t want to date anyone if it wasn’t that girl. You may have yet to date anyone serious after her, and that makes it difficult to get back into the game, because your old memories and experiences create a cloud over you as you try and give the next girl a chance.

Dwelling on your ex is a great way to ruin your next relationship. If you are tying to get her back, then ok. But if your goal is to meet someone new, repeat after me. “My last relationship is over. I will never be with __________ again, because we would not have broken up if both of us wanted to be together.” Now, maybe you got dumped, and you do want to be with your ex again. Let me just put this out there in case you have repressed it. If your ex really loved you, wanted you forever, lusted for you like a dog lusts for a walk, then guess what, stud? That’s right, she would be with you.

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