But weeds often grow through block paving and ruin the look. They need digging out time and again. This is a chore that we can all do without.
Even weed proof membrane can only do so much. The weeds grow in the gaps between the blocks. So the way to we prevent weeds growing through our block paving? How do we reclaim the Saturday afternoons wasted on this unrewarding chore?
This article is your guide to the top three methods for getting rid of weeds in block paving.
. Weed killers and burners. For targeted weed killing and best if you want to avoid collateral damage.
. Using salt. Cheapest but will kill everything nearby.
. Block paving sealant. Excellent for weed prevention but they need to be gone first.
Weed killers and burners
Summary: Can work well but you need the right type and regular application.
There are hundreds of different variations of weed killer available to the public. Weed killer can be an effective way to keep the drive clean but will need to be redone on a regular basis. There are more powerful weed killers which are more permanent but they have very negative effects on the environment.
Different types of weed killer will be effective in different situations. Here can be a quick breakdown of the most common types.
Contact weed killer
Best for: Quick action and spraying near other plants and lawns as contact weed killer will have no effect on them.
Down sides: Weeds need to be in active growing phase in order to kill them properly
Contact weed killer will work if you have a flourishing array of weeds in your block paving. Glyphosate is usually a common example of contact weed killer. It works when absorbed through the leaves of a plant but is ineffective in the soil and wont enter plants through the roots.
Genre: GARDENING / General