How to not only COMBAT and WIN AGAINST but PROFIT from Nazi feminism. by Rahul Mookerjee

47 tips on turning from a cuckold Nazi feminist enabler to a REAL MAN

Combating and profiting from - while winning against - Nazi feminism!

How to not only combat and win against but profit from nazi feminism.

Here is what you will learn in this course (the ACTIONABLE TIPS, each one worth what I’m charging for the course, and THEN SOME!) –

Always remember the difference between REAL feminism and Nazi feminism – and REPEAT it until the cows come home.
Never give up your financial freedom, or tell them “how you make your money” or “how much you have in the bank”
Why ignoring her is the GOLDEN GOOSE – quite literally!
Why you should remember that with Nazi feminists, and women in general, it’s all TAKE and very little GIVE.
There’s no “past credit” with Nazi feminists. Use that AGAINST them.
Understand that a Nazi feminist always makes sure SHE has money, while ridding you, the man of YOURS.
Understand that you’ll always “be a failure” with Nazi feminists and use that thinking AGAINST THEM.
Understand that they will never change.
Understand that, NO, yours “aint necessarily different”.
Never work jobs that are not of your choosing, no matter what the guilt trip is.
Why engaging directly with Nazi feminists is a losing battle, and how to profit from just that.
Why you SHOULD engage directly with the cucked men that enable all this.
THE SIX TENETS OF NAZI FEMINISM! – Tenet #1 : Recognize the the overriding tenet of Nazi feminism for what it is “my way or the highway”, and USE it against them.
Tenet #2 – Blame and Shame
Tenet #3 – Guilt Trips
Tenet #4 – Conveniently forgetting “facts” when the time is right for THEM.
Tenet # 5 – Hating each other, even “sisters in Nazi Feminism” and women in general.
Tenet #6 – CONTROL!!! (and how to use it against them)
The “natural laws of Nature” don’t change no matter what.
Why you should never tire of telling cucked men that enable this disease for what it is – like it IS.
Why you should RECOGNIZE the fact that anything women can do – men can do better, and HAVE – but the reverse is NOT necessarily true.
Why you should NOT have a child unless YOU absolutely want to (despite all the guilt trips and shennanigans to the contrary).
What you should tell Nazi feminist mothers that claim their sons aren’t good enough to be parents when they themselves fit that particular bill.
What you should tell Bozos that tell you to go to counseling for “not pandering to Nazi feminist views”.
What Bozo Schofield can teach YOU about dealing with cucked males with fantasies they’re too scared to admit.
PROFIT DIRECTLY from Nazi Feminism!
Lose the battle, but ALWAYS win the war
Why shortsightedness is ultimately the bane of Nazi feminism and how to use this to YOUR advantage as a MAN.
Why the truism of “give an inch, and they’ll take a mile” is true x1000 for Nazi feminists.
Why all real men SHOULD Train (physically) regularly
Why all real men should train their MINDS as hard as their bodies, if not harder!
Subconsciously influence Nazi feminists in ways they would NEVER IMAGINE – for your OWN benefit.
Why Chinese women from the mainland are to be absolutely avoided if you’re NOT into Nazi feminism.
Why you should never do the right thing for Nazi feminists
Why you should NEVER worry about “tags” that Nazi feminists (and people in general) give you – and PROFIT from it. In fact you should “embrace and welcome said tags!”
Why you should always “hold money over a Nazi feminist’s head”
Remember the “monkey branching” tenet of Nazi feminists and why it’s such a POWERFUL tool to use as a MAN for your OWN benefit.
Why you SHOULD defend yourself against a Nazi feminist using her gender as an excuse to physically or otherwise attack you.

And much, much more my friend.

Most men live (cucked) lives of desperation..

Dont be one!


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / General

Language: English

Keywords: mgtow, men going their own way, male rights, nazi feminism, men reclaiming their rights, femi nazis

Word Count: 36483

Sales info:

Going great guns on Amazon and my own website. 

Sample text:

Dear Reader,


It never ceases to amaze me, the so called “logic” (not) the Nazi feminists and man haters use.


And, how the brigade of cucked men dancing to their women’s tunes grows by the day …


Dont get me wrong.


If you’re one of the cucked lot that believe in the “keep the wife and women in the family happy to the exclusion of ALL else, and to hell with the men – even so called “supposedly closest to you” men because they speak their MIND – have a LIFE of their own – and don’t want to bow down to matriarachal (or patriarachal) tendencies) – well, go for it.


If that turns you on, as it does many a man in “bed”, go for it. Hey. I’ve written books on that too, other than fitness!


But no, this ain’t about self promotion so much as it is about self expression.


If it was, I’d post on my own sites (especially with all the rants I’ve written recently – all 100% TRUE, by the way!) about “NOT relying on any one social media platform or external platform for income, or publicity, or as your source of whatever it is you do for work).


That piece is HERE. And it’s true, my friend.


The great Ben Settle, a guy I deeply admire probably the MOST amongst people I look to for advice etc ...(no, I’m not a Settle customer, but as I’ve done in my books with Matt Furey, I believe in giving CREDIT where credit is due. Therefore, I am, and will. No, I don’t get anything from it. No, I’m not worried about losing customers or any of that BS either).


Anyway, Ben wrote a post on this here too.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Luis Toledo
Author review:
An absolutely superb translation done by Luis!! He really paid attention to the minor details which matter a lot - was very proactive in terms of clearing up doubts etc he had throughout the process - all in all, simply superb - thank you!!

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