HOW TO FULFIL DIVINE PURPOSE by Matthew Kashman Oluwatosin Oyeneye

The Quest of All Mankind


How to fulfil divine purpose

How to Fulfil Divine Purpose: An insightful book written with clarity and simplicity and provides guide-post; road-map or life-manual to finding and fulfilling divine purpose.

How to Fulfil Divine Purpose is a life-changing book, relevant and useful for all Young-Adults seeking meaning and reasons for living.  A must read by anyone going somewhere in life!

Genre: SELF-HELP / Creativity

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational

Language: English

Keywords: DESTINY, PURPOSE, MANKIND, MOTIVATIONAL BOOKS, FULFIL, FULFILMENT, DIVINE, CREATIVE BOOKS, QUEST, multilingual, faith , christianbook, how to fulfil purpose, fulfiling purpose

Word Count: 39635

Sample text:

In this chapter, we will explore the true meaning of purpose. We will also take a cursory look at the extraordinary qualities with which Man is endowed. Finally, we will wade into the controversy surrounding purpose.

What is the Meaning of Purpose?

Purpose can be defined as the reason for which something is done or created. Or the reason why something exists. The French would call it the “raison d'être”. Synonyms of purpose include motive, motivation, grounds, cause, impetus, reason, point, basis, target, ambition, objective and justification.

When a climber heads for Mount Everest, their purpose is to reach the summit and add their name to the record of those that have performed that perilous, yet heroic feat.

The purpose of a pregnancy is to bring forth a baby after 9 months. There is no joy in an everlasting pregnancy and you can verify this by asking any woman who has gone one day beyond their due date.

What is Divine Purpose?

Divine purpose is the purpose set forth by God at creation. To understand our divine purpose we, as God’s creation, must go back to where it first began. In the book of Genesis, we are told what the earth looked like before God began his work of creation. In Chapter 1 verse 2 it is said that the earth was without form and void and that total darkness covered the face of the earth. It was this darkness that spurred the work of creation. In the midst of this darkness, God said “Let there be light” and there was light. And so, creation unfolded one item after another till the sixth day.




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