Great Strides by Chelsea Falin

Left in Alabama with no close-in-age peers, Willie makes great strides in finding out who she is as an individual without a group of close friends to rely on.

Great strides

Willie has finally found her father, and he's welcomed her with open arms. Now she must forge a relationship with the man she never even knew was alive. It isn't just him, however, Willie must also find out how she fits in with her step-mother and half-siblings. Left in Alabama with no close-in-age peers, Willie makes great strides in finding out who she is as an individual without a group of close friends to rely on.

Alabama offers many firsts for Willie. The most notable in her own mind is her first relationship. There are other firsts in store, however, and a whole new cast of characters to get to know. How will Willie handle this newest experience? Will she handle it in the mature the way she has always handled change? Or will this be the point in which Willie loses herself?

“Genetics are a tricky business at times, and you just never know what you're going to get when you throw two ancestry’s together.”
-Willie's Mamaw

Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Coming of Age

Secondary Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Diversity & Multicultural

Language: English

Keywords: young adult, teenager, native american, coming of age, family life, Growing Roots series

Word Count: 35756

Sales info:

This is the third volume in The Growing Roots series. The first volume made the best selling list in Germany for English-written books, and all three titles have been well-received. This third volume is currently rated 4.5 stars with 9 ratings. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language.

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