Gorilla GRIP - - TIPS! by Rahul Mookerjee

25 down to earth, practical and MOTIVATIONAL tips to build a rugged, cast iron grip of STEEL.

25 down to earth, practical and MOTIVATIONAL tips to build that RUGGED, CAST IRON GRIP OF STEEL that you’ve ALWAYS WANTED!

Gorilla grip - - tips!

My world famous Gorilla Grip has been doing the rounds for a while now - as has Gorilla Grip (Advanced) - - as well as a compilation I put out. Combined with 0 Excuses Fitness, these books have literally REVOLUTIONIZED the world of fitness - and building supreme levels of health, fitness, STRENGTH and vitality as we know it.

And it should come as no secret that these projects are amongst my pet favorites as well. The 0 Excuses faithful KNOW that grip training - and building that "unnatural grip" - - that "kungfu like grip" is one of my hobbies, so to speak - - and hence the grip manuals.

And now, I've gone one step FURTHER, my friend.

I've put together my overall training knowledge into a 100 PLUS page course - 25 motivational and down to earth workout tips primarily aimed at improving your GRIP - and upper body strength - -but the icing on the cake is this - - you CAN apply these tips to ALL your workouts in general, even if those are WEIGHTLIFTING workouts!

What you can expect to get from this course

•25 tips that you can apply to not only your GRIP workouts - but also ANY other workout you so choose - including weight lifting. Its the principles that count, my friend, and these are EVERGREEN, TIMELESS principles that will hold you in good stead no matter what type of workout you engage in.
•How you can get a killer workout with NO special equipment whatsoever - not even your own body, if you choose not to do bodyweight exercises (I ain't kidding there!)
•One of the tips will cover an exercise the ancient Spartan warriors did before BATTLE - an exercise that by ITSELF is worth the ENTIRE price of admission for this course, and then some! And believe me, this exercise is so simple that it will blow your SOCKS off when you learn about it. You'll literally be staring goggle eyed at the screen and going "heck, I never did think about THAT!"
•Grip combo workouts that will burn fat at record speeds as well as build grip strength and muscle throughout the entire core and upper body - not to mention LEGS as well.
•You'll learn about an exercise that is possibly the BEST grip exercise out there - - and its so simple it'll have you scratching your head (again) wondering why "I didn't think of this before"!
•You'll learn how legendary wrestler Dan "The Man" Hodge got to the point where he crushes apples for "fun" - - at the ripe "young" age of 80. Again, THAT one tip is probably worth the entire price of admission for the course, even if I say so myself!
•For those of you that just "have" to lift weights - - well, do so. Something is better than nothing, and I'll tell you the RIGHT way to lift weights to develop that bone crushing grip you're after.
•How to build yourself up to the point that people literally "shy away" from shaking hands with you- - and this is being said in a good way, hehe.
•Ruggedly strong HANDS - and vascularity that you've always wanted - and the sort of workouts that will GET you there.

And much, much more. Jump on this NOW, my friend - the price isn't going to remain at what it is now forever!!

Rahul Mookerjee

Genre: YOUNG ADULT NONFICTION / Health & Daily Living / Fitness & Exercise

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Men's Health

Language: English

Keywords: grip training, massive arms, build a cast iron grip

Word Count: 19920

Sales info:

Along with the two original Gorilla Grip books - going great guns!

Sample text:

One being workouts that tax the entire body as a whole - - NOT isolationist movements - - workouts that build rugged STRENGTH - supreme inner HEALTH and vitality - and STRIP the fat off your frame quicker than sweat dripping off a "fat man at a dance", hehe.


And two - - and TWO is what this course is all about - - building a ROCK SOLID, CAST IRON, grip of STEEL - - that has an "unnatural, kung fu like pull" to it.


Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip - Advanced give you the exact EXERCISES you need to do in order to build that bone shattering grip - - and here, I give you 25 solid TIPS - - real world, practical, WORKABLE tips that you can study and implement into your own workout - both from a grip standpoint, as well as overall body strength/fitness standpoint.


And no, that isn't just me saying it - - and neither is it "pie in the sky" as it were. It's NOT fancy - shmancy marketing as some have claimed - - and it certainly ain't a case of "all that glitters ain't gold".


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The book is available for translation into any language.

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