Gorilla Grip - The Compilation by Rahul Mookerjee

31 exercises that will build fingers like CLAWS and a vice like "unnatural" pull to your grip!

31 exercises that will give you an "ironmonger" like handshake, fingers like CLAWS, and a vice like "unnatural" pull to your grip!

Gorilla grip - the compilation

Way, way back in the day – when yours truly was 17 years of age – he fell out of a running bus on his right wrist, and pretty much made a royal MESS of the wrist – a decidedly “non Gorilla grip” wrist at that point I’d say.

Though the wrist didn’t hurt that bad at the time, and though I was going to treat it at home myself, I could barely move it in a clockwise and other manner – and long story short, I ended up going to a doctor who put it in a cast.

Probably the right thing to do, and ’twas my right wrist – which has always been a weak suit for me.

A few weeks later, I remember having to go an examination in another town, and my father was the one that took me there.

We had to stay in a hotel on the way, and all of a sudden, we met up with this one guy – – this guy about 6’2″ in height, and a tennis player at that.

And as we shook hands, I made it very clear that I had an injured right wrist – but he seemed not to listen, and he gripped my hand with his own “vice” like grip (tennis players have great grips!) – and the pain I felt was beyond comparison.

But the worst part wasn’t that – the worst part was the look in the eye – a look that he gave me unknowingly – a look that spoke volumes.

A look of “you’re a weakling” – something I’d heard ad infintium growing up.

Something that I’m sure would resonate with the great Charles Atlas if he was alive today.

You’ve heard of Atlas, I’m sure? The guy who used to routinely get sand kicked in his face at the beach – who was to become one of the VERY BEST proportioned men in the entire world down the line.

It was at that point (and perhaps also when the doctor who strapped my wrist gave me a “sorry” sort of look which spoke volumes as well) that I decided I’d get the STRONGEST grip I could get.

That I’d work my grip with a passion – and today, bonafide gym MONSTERS and “gorillas” in their own right shy away from shaking hands with me – and not because I intentionally try and crush hands either!

As Vincent, a wrecking machine of a man if there ever was a one, a 6’1″ mountain of pure muscle and an ex Marine noted last year –

I’ve never met anyone that gripped my hand naturally with a kung fu like grip like you do!

And so, is it any wonder that despite not a lot of promos –the two Gorilla Grip courses are the ones that sell the very best for me?

Is it any wonder that I constantly get remarks about my grip – and how strong it is – and other related comments?

Now note this. If I had told folks of my goals back then at that point – they’d have literally LAUGHED in my face.

I’d have got sand kicked in my face – figuratively speaking – and then some …

And NOW? Well, now it’s the exact opposite – and this truly IS a case of what Napoleon Hill famously once said i.e. Tell the world what you’re going to do – but SHOW ’em first!

What you’ll get from this compilation - -

The path breaking “Gorilla Grip” book – – as well as it’s successor “Gorilla Grip – Advanced” – unparalleled value as it were, and I’m not done yet with the “value” part of it.

The info I’m putting out in both these courses will give you benefits and gains far, far superior to what the average trainee in the gym doing sets of “reverse curls” or “wrist rollers” can ever hope to accomplish.

Two books with information gathered from having literally “been in the trenches from day one” in terms of physical exercises and REAL WORLD training – and if you don’t believe me, just read what Vincent, a mountain of a man and a good friend that has spent over 25 years in the U.S. Marines had to say in “Gorilla Grip”. It’s raw, uncensored and STRAIGHT from the horse’s mouth!

Learn the RIGHT way to grip – and techniques that’ll cause your gripping strength to explode almost instantly once you apply what is being taught!

Learn how to build Upper body strength that is OFF the CHARTS with the exercises mentioned herein.

And much, much more. Dive in - NOW!

Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Men's Health

Language: English

Keywords: grip training, upper body strength, how to build the grip, six pack abs

Word Count: 17482

Sales info:

Going GREAT guns on Amazon, and my own website. 

Sample text:



What GRIP BASED results can I expect from following this, and the other exercises you teach in 0 Excuses fitness?

That’s a question that’s usually uppermost in most people’s minds, and before I even get into the actual meat of the matter, here is something I thought I should share with the reader that should do a pretty good job of answering the results part (in terms of grip strength).

So “true” does this ring that I posted it as a blog post on my website, and here it is in it’s entirety. And though some of it may not seem relevant, it is, my dear reader. It is.

Taken from http://0excusesfitness.com/2017/09/30/an-unnatural-pull-in-your-grip/. Enjoy!


Dear Reader,


It should and probably doesn’t come as a surprise to most people, even those that are not regular readers of the blog that I’ve always been a HUGE HUGE fan of training the forearms and grip, either directly or indirectly.

In the past I put out a “Gorilla Grip” course (which is still available, btw, but not on THIS site) for those looking to build a super strong “cast iron”, locksmith (or should I say blacksmith, or “anvil like”) GRIP.

I’ve always been complimented on my grip. Despite the fact I weigh barely 170 “soaking wet” (probably less), I can out grip a lot of the “roid crazed monsters” at the gym, or in general, and thats NOT me bragging – it’s me stating a fact.

Last night I had the good fortune and great honor to meet up and share a few “brewskies” with a good friend who also happens to be an ex US Marine, and one of the most sensible guys I’ve ever met in the recent past.


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The book is available for translation into any language.

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